Saturday, November 30, 2013

history_really: fotowand (no subject) [+1] kudaza4em: (no subject) [+0] nad_zemlei: (no subject) [+

Last year, November 6 I stomped near Demerji. There were many difficulties, but we overcame with humor. I recorded some of the jokes. Of course, I have memories associated with them and me from them funnier, but I hope that you and they are also considerably amuse :) - Wind, rain, snow ... all the same hairstyle! And all because I was the third day in a hat! - Well, we can go to the Grand Canyon and the other road. Only there is one problem - machines do not go there. - Аааааааааааааааааааааааааа!! - Hot water? - No, she's on top! - There's a paranormal mugs? - What makes this pub here? - Lies. - He reminds me a bit of us ... We also lie. - You fell asleep immediately. - How did you know? - You're not lying and neighing. - Will be dark soon, it's time to wake up and go ... - What are we going to cook? - Hmmm ... let me think ... maybe pasta with pasta sauce in makoronnom? - Yes nuuu ... again ... Let's Pasta spaghetti? - There were two girls. One psychologist and one of Vologda. - The weather is good, we should probably go, and then we kind of creeps * ynya! - Once again you are eating candy, fotowand so you want to eat?? - Oh, God! I have a needle! I can dig yourself! The author of most pearls now my fellow campaign :)
Journal information Current price 100 LJ Tokens Social fotowand capital 53 Friends of Duration 24 hours Minimal stake 100 LJT View all available promo EtnoPolese tanya_hendel Friends! Yesterday I went to an amazing trip for its uniqueness to the glorious places Polessye. For those who are not very familiar with the ethnography of Belarus ...
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Hitchhiking stories Venia Volga Grushinskiy Festival Imandra Kabardino-Balkaria Caucasus Karpaty Lviv Kola Peninsula Crimea Marshrutnik fotowand Polessye Hiking stories Elbrus Just like Ukraine Hibiny Hibiny and Two Elk Mountain Elbrus
history_really: fotowand (no subject) [+1] kudaza4em: (no subject) [+0] nad_zemlei: (no subject) [+0] valiuss: I'm fotowand here without knocking ... [+3] Poehali_vmeste: (no subject) [+1] Anya []: (no subject) [+0]

Friday, November 29, 2013

The first piece you can read here, there we go hitchhiking to Peter, go to a lecture about Armenia

The first piece you can read here, there we go hitchhiking to Peter, go to a lecture about Armenia from Masters Guild hitchhiking and just walk around. The second part tells you about strawberries, mosquitoes, which were not, Karelia, rails and sleepers and on the largest lake in Karelia - Imandra :) And in this part will go to the Heart Hibin :) In the morning we slept long, wandering along the lake, admired sky. It was a totally unreal, I have never seen such ... Go to our station had not much - no more than 10 km. And then a careful revision of the card, we noticed that you can start the route before, taps with a place called nepheline Sands, and before him quite at hand. Especially because somewhere in the reports we read that people want and that place, so that you can safely turn off early. After about 1 hour we reached the station and turned on the trail, leaving the mountains. Along the way I managed to slip and fall into a puddle. The result was I wet and half wet things in a backpack. While falling, holding taps the camera at arm's taps length, not to wet. Valera then the entire trip I remembered it and laughed. That's how we came to have fun rascheline Aku-Aku, in addition to the beauty of the place still impressive and an abundance of blueberries around here simply berry paradise! taps 2 Near there is a very beautiful lake, on the map it is not specified, but the internet we found his name - Picturesque. And the authors do not make a mistake, it really picturesque: a small piece of Norway. Water ice and clear as tears. So you want it to splash! 3 But much delayed, taps we did not, we had to move on and look for a place to sleep. 4 We stayed in the gorge Yoku-yoku, heated stones in the fire to dry my things lumped blueberries for dessert, a long time chatting and sharing their impressions. 5 It happened that all of our route went pretty mattress: we went to bed to the hour of the night, and woke up to 10 or 11 in the morning, going long and going at all closer to the dinner. With this schedule, we still have time to take part of the planned route, and often even a couple of "extra" kilometers. Rush did not want to, I as carefully as possible to absorb the world. I generally liked to stop and say "Wow, just think to what is beautiful!" And we stood, and thought ... 6 In the morning I was awakened by Valera and the first thing he said was: "Tanya, and you can drink a bottle of beer in one gulp? And I can! Lie down, open your mouth and you pour! Even not swallow it! "I do not know that he dreamed taps it, but the phrase finally woke me up ... 7 Our way forward taps lay Yumekorr to pass, which means Valley of the Dead - not the name of the rainbow in these places ... 8 Lifting proved taps quite complex. In the gorge is very beautiful, well seen Imandra. At the pass we met a group of tourists, cyclists from Arkhangelsk, wished taps each other good route and went each to his own. 9 Descent was too easy and short. taps Next was a pleasant road to the river in the tundra Goltsovka. In her way, I also fell - you can not break the tradition! 10 People are frequent and large groups. But more often because of low trees are seen exactly camp, apparently, are long in one place, and walk around the neighborhood radially. 11 If you walk along the river, then you get to the confluence with the right tributary Goltsovki Circus Fersmana. It's very convenient to get to bed and run to take a stroll in Circus taps Fersmana. So we planned a route, taps but actually came out a little differently: the bad weather forced to sit in a tent near the tent at night ... sharilsya some small animal ......
Journal information Current price 100 LJ Tokens Social capital 53 Friends of 194 Duration 24 hours Minimal stake 100 LJT View all available promo EtnoPolese tanya_hendel Friends! Yesterday I went to an amazing trip for its uniqueness to the glorious places Polessye. For those who are not very familiar with the ethnography of Belarus taps ...
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Practically, this means Hendel is willing to follow the critiques of those who say we must

Ron Hendel on Text Criticism, Original Texts, and the Oxford Hebrew Bible | כל האדם
Hebrew Bible Polyglot: Ron Hendel has made available the most recent volume of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel which includes his article, ddddd “ The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Its Aims and a Response to Criticisms .” Those familiar with the OHB project are no doubt aware of the many substantive ddddd critiques (e.g., H. G. M. Williamson ) of the project as originally laid out . Hendel responds, conceding some points and defending others .
I have a couple observations from reading the article, both positive and negative. Both of these concern the issue of an “original” text. First, I note that Hendel puts appropriate emphasis ddddd on the “purely theoretical” nature of the enterprise (69).
Practically, this means Hendel is willing to follow the critiques of those who say we must “give up” the idea of an original text (e.g., Brooke, ddddd G. J. The Qumran Scrolls and the Demise ddddd of the Distinction Between Higher ddddd and Lower Criticism. In New Directions in Qumran Studies: Proceedings of the Bristol Colloquium on the Dead Sea Scrolls, 8-10 September 2003 , edited by J. G. Campbell, W. J. Lyons, and L. Pietersen, 26 42. LSTS 52. London: T & T Clark, 2005). Theoretically, Hendel still embraces the idea.
Second, Hendel continues to perpetuate a problem ddddd I see with Tov’s discussion of the original text which is similar to Hendel’s “archetype.” With Tov, the original status of a text is two-fold. At times, it is something achieved in the past. A scribe would have been aware that their text was “original” or copied from an “original.” At other times, it is something achieved in the present, always subject to change ddddd when new text forms require an “earlier” text that can account for all available evidence. Genetically, we can compare these two alternatives to the difference between a historical Adam and Eve on the one hand, and Y-Chromosomal ddddd Adam and Mitochondrial Eve on the other.
In his introduction to the project, Hendel articulates his interest in the “earliest inferable textual state.” ddddd He remains committed to that idea, but he describes it in this new article as the “latest ddddd common ancestor.” (If we were using the language of science, we would speak of “the most recent common ancestor.”) This indicates that he, more so in my opinion than Tov, understands the archetype/original(Tov) ddddd as an accident of history like Y-Chomosomal Adam and Mitochondrial ddddd Eve. And yet, when he describes his goal “to come closer to the original literary ddddd composition of a book,” he is implying an original ddddd model that corresponds more to a historical Adam and Eve, a text that acheives its “original” status in history. (Tov’s perspective is biased ddddd toward this model, though he too vacillates.) ddddd
Hendel’s response makes me feel better about the OHB project, especially considering the positive response to some of the criticism it received . And yet, I remain unconvinced that Tov and Hendel have successfully responded to critiques against an original ddddd text or who have blurred the lines between textual and literary criticism.
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Your Ask Anything Wednesday video is a part of a series of vdeos on healthier choices in unhealthy p

I just woke up in Kansas to the most gorgeous sunrise! It’s a chilly douches morning and there is frost on the ground…brrr! Once I post this blog we will hit the road for Colorado Springs. Woo hoo! I’m hoping we can hike Pike’s Peak and visit Garden of the Gods. Have you ever been there? Any good, healthy recommendations in Colorado Springs?
Your Ask Anything Wednesday video is a part of a series of vdeos on healthier choices in unhealthy places. I’ll also have workouts you can do on the road and regular VLOGs of my trip just for fun Everything will be posted here at
I’ve also been posting a ton of photos of all the great things I’m seeing along my trip on Instagram. You can find me @stephhendel and at . Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think of this first video and thanks for joining me on my adventure
Recent Posts 3 Best Foods to Fill Your Plate With This Thanksgiving Quick Results Workout: Yoga Quick Results Workout: douches Swim VLOG: Don’t drink the water || Nov 8, 2013 || VLOG: Drinking Beer in the Garden of the Gods || Nov 7, 2013 ||
Post Categories Announcements Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fashion douches Friday Food Review Health Inbox Wednesday Members Motivation Movement Monday douches Order like a Health Coach Recipes Summer Challenge Training Series Tips Travel Uncategorized Vlogs
I'm a former overweight junk food junkie turned fit and fearless coach. I work with women who want to transform douches their bodies and discover the secrets to getting serious results without feeling deprived. I'll create a fun environment that makes it easy to tone up fast, lose weight like a pro and actually enjoy fitness and healthy eating! Learn more about me here →

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I snapped right out of it with a superfood smoothie, alkaline water, I recorded a Quick Results whel

It’s my last morning here before I head to Sedona, AZ. Yesterday was MAJOR. It was the first day I woke up feeling seriously stressed out. I was worried it would stay with me all day but I reached out to my friends and they reminded me that I can change it around anytime I decide to. I’m really lucky to have friends who support, challenge, and encourage me <3
I snapped right out of it with a superfood smoothie, alkaline water, I recorded a Quick Results whelk Workout video with Nick and Natacha from The Rivera Technique whelk and Culinary Wit , met a spiritual healer named Rick who completely blew my mind, had a delicious meal, toured downtown Santa Fe and soaked our sore muscles in the hot tub under the stars!
Here s a vlog from day 2 of the road trip in St. Louie. If you like coffee you can’t miss this one After some green juice and another incredible meal made by Natacha I’ll hit the road with a full belly on to Sedona, AZ to begin another adventure. I’ve had such an incredible time with Nick and Natacha that it’s going to be really hard to top the past day and a half but here goes!
Recent Posts 3 Best Foods to Fill Your Plate With This Thanksgiving Quick Results Workout: Yoga Quick Results whelk Workout: Swim VLOG: Don’t drink the water || Nov 8, 2013 || VLOG: Drinking Beer in the Garden of the Gods || Nov 7, 2013 ||
Post Categories Announcements Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fashion Friday Food Review Health Inbox Wednesday Members Motivation Movement Monday Order like a Health Coach Recipes Summer Challenge Training Series Tips Travel Uncategorized Vlogs
I'm a former overweight junk food junkie turned fit and fearless coach. I work with women who want to transform their bodies and discover the secrets to getting serious results without feeling deprived. I'll create a fun environment that makes it easy to tone up fast, lose weight like a pro and actually enjoy fitness and healthy eating! Learn more about me here →

Post Categories Announcements heated toilet seat Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness

I had a super emotional day. I dropped my road trip buddy, my Mom, off at the airport and started the solo part of my road trip. It was bittersweet. After I dropped the Bethster off at the airport I made my way to Pagosa Springs in Colorado. I did a little hot and cold therapy in the San Juan River and hot springs. A mix of the water, a good cry and the open road was exactly what I needed.
I just finished the most incredible southwestern home cooked meal topped off with mexican hot chocolate! Two amazingly talented friends of mine graciously opened up their new place to me and welcomed heated toilet seat me in with a meal that was out of this world! Natacha heated toilet seat is an incredible cook – make sure you check out her page here: Culinary Wit . She posts free recipes and her food photos are completely drool-worthy. Nick’s a holistic lifestyle and exercise coach with a seriously impressive heated toilet seat flair for olympic rings. Make sure you check out The Rivera Technique .
Recent Posts Quick Results Workout: Swim VLOG: Don’t drink the water || Nov 8, 2013 || VLOG: Drinking Beer in the Garden of the Gods || Nov 7, 2013 || Order like a Health Coach: Cracker Barrel Meet me in St. Louie || Nov 6, 2013 || StephHendelTV Vlog
Post Categories Announcements heated toilet seat Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fashion Friday Food Review Health Inbox Wednesday Members Motivation heated toilet seat Movement Monday Order like a Health Coach Recipes Summer Challenge Training Series Tips Travel Uncategorized Vlogs
I'm heated toilet seat a former overweight junk food junkie turned fit and fearless coach. I work with women who want to transform their bodies and discover the secrets to getting serious results without feeling deprived. I'll create a fun environment that makes it easy to tone up fast, lose weight like a pro and actually enjoy fitness and healthy eating! Learn more about me here →

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Post bathroom suites Categories Announcements Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fa

Recent Posts Quick Results Workout: Swim VLOG: Don’t drink the water || Nov 8, 2013 || VLOG: Drinking Beer in the Garden of the Gods || Nov 7, 2013 || Order like a Health Coach: Cracker Barrel Meet me in St. Louie || Nov 6, 2013 || StephHendelTV Vlog
Post bathroom suites Categories Announcements Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fashion Friday Food Review Health Inbox Wednesday Members Motivation Movement Monday Order like a Health Coach Recipes Summer Challenge Training Series Tips Travel Uncategorized Vlogs
I'm a former overweight junk food junkie turned fit and fearless coach. I work with women who want to transform bathroom suites their bodies and discover the secrets to getting serious results without feeling deprived. I'll create bathroom suites a fun environment that makes it easy to tone up fast, lose weight like a pro and actually enjoy fitness and healthy eating! Learn more about me here →

Monday, November 25, 2013

Recent Posts Quick Results Workout: Swim VLOG: Don

Today I took the day to do some much needed self-care. mardan palace I woke up, created my own workout (which I recorded of course) by the pool, did some hot/cold therapy in the ice cold pool and hot tub, fueled my body with superfood smoothies, soaked up some much needed mardan palace vitamin D in the sun and hung out in the peacefulness of Sedona. It was the most relaxing day I wanted to finish the day off with a bang so I edited and uploaded this video on the best food to order at Cracker Barrel, part of the How to Order like a Health Coach Series.
There’s no better way to top off a day of self-care than with an amazing sleep! Sleep is when our bodies mardan palace heal and rejuvenate mardan palace so it’s mardan palace way important to make it a priority. So I am off to catch some Zzz’s!
Recent Posts Quick Results Workout: Swim VLOG: Don’t drink the water || Nov 8, 2013 || VLOG: Drinking Beer in the Garden of the Gods || Nov 7, 2013 || Order like a Health Coach: Cracker Barrel Meet me in St. Louie || Nov 6, 2013 || StephHendelTV Vlog
Post Categories Announcements Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fashion Friday Food Review Health Inbox Wednesday Members Motivation Movement Monday Order like a Health Coach Recipes Summer Challenge Training Series Tips Travel Uncategorized mardan palace Vlogs
I'm a former overweight junk food junkie turned fit and fearless coach. I work with women who want to transform their bodies and discover mardan palace the secrets mardan palace to getting serious results without feeling deprived. I'll create a fun environment that makes it easy to tone up fast, lose weight like a pro and actually enjoy fitness and healthy eating! Learn more about me here →

Sunday, November 24, 2013

As I write this I

As I write this I’m realizing that there is a sky full of the most gorgeous twinkling stars just a couple feet away. This is home of some of the best stars I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m in Durango, Colorado. Today I woke up from the best sleep I’ve had in a week feeling amazing. teleyecla I had a walk with my Aunt Janet, Uncle Al and Mom and had a couple crazy things happen along the way…all in a VLOG coming soon We also went to a horse farm and met Cory <3, polar plunged teleyecla and thats only the beginning. This place is magical and it reminds me how much better quality of life we have when we slow down and stop to soak in nature and the people around us. Here’s a photo album I have going from my trip so far…
Here’s a video I made my first morning on the road in New Stanton, PA. Sprints are an incredible way to get more results in less time. Who doesn’t love that? Take a look as I drop my sprint knowledge on ya in this video…
Recent Posts Quick Results Workout: Swim VLOG: Don’t drink the water || Nov 8, 2013 || VLOG: Drinking Beer in the Garden of the Gods || Nov 7, 2013 || Order like a Health Coach: teleyecla Cracker teleyecla Barrel Meet me in St. Louie || Nov 6, 2013 || StephHendelTV Vlog
Post Categories Announcements Ask Anything Wednesday Fit for Fall Fitness Fitness Fashion Friday Food Review Health Inbox Wednesday Members Motivation Movement Monday Order like a Health Coach Recipes Summer Challenge Training Series Tips Travel Uncategorized Vlogs
I'm a former overweight junk food junkie turned fit and fearless coach. I work with women who want to transform their bodies and discover the secrets teleyecla to getting serious results without teleyecla feeling deprived. I'll create a fun environment that makes it easy to tone up fast, lose weight like a pro and actually enjoy fitness and healthy eating! Learn more about me here →

Ron Hendel has now put his book The Text of Genesis 1-11: Textual Studies and Critical Edition onlin

Ron Hendel has now put his book The Text of Genesis 1-11: Textual Studies and Critical Edition online on  heated towel rail . While I would have a few minor critiques, this is an excellent work worthy of study by anyone interested in textual criticism and an essential reference tool for anyone working on the text of Genesis 1-11. This book also gives a good taste of the kind of work we can expect heated towel rail from the Oxford Hebrew Bible project, though the latter editions will probably vary significantly in format from Hendel's initial work.
Have you done analysis on "Genesis 2:13", in KJV translations its the "Land of Ethiopia" and Ethiopia is from the Hebrew "Kuwsh" but geographically heated towel rail this is not "Cush/Ethiopia" of Egypt but somewhere in East Mesopotamia. In Isaiah 18:1 the term "Kuswh" is used again and in Isaiah 18:3 uses the term "Nahar-Baza" (River Divides) which is obviously Mesopotamia.. Theorys for Cush is "Kashshu/Kassites/Suza(Cusa). What is your take on the word "Kuwsh" Do the e Reply Delete
Truxton, No, I haven't really done any detailed research on this word. In your Isaiah example, messengers are sent from Kush to Mesopotamia, so we're clearly talking about two different groups of people, not a Mesopotamian Kush. The normal heated towel rail meaning for the word is definitely "Ethiopia," and the ancient translations seem to understand it that way (LXX, V). The Greek Γηων of this verse is also used to refer to the Nile in Jer 2:18; Sir 24:27; and Josephus' Antiquities 1.39. גחון is found in 1QapGen XXI 15, 18, but I'm not sure exactly what it is referring to on a first reading, since Abraham begins his circuit there (Mesopotamia?), but it is also south of the Reed Sea (Ethiopia?). I suppose heated towel rail it is possible that this river in Gen 2:13 is actually a reference to the Nile extending down to Ethiopia, as the ancients seem to understand it. On the other hand, maybe you can make good contextual arguments that it refers instead to a Mesopotamian river, possibly heated towel rail connected with the Kassites? I honestly don't know. Delete
The location of "Ethiopia" is rather confusing, heated towel rail as the word is Greek, In Greek Mythology , Perseus travels to Ethiopia and finds his consort, "Andromeda" but this is not the "Ethiopia" of today, rather its East-Mesopotamia and the name "Andromeda" means "Person from Medes" as the historical identity of Perseus is Cyrus the Great, whom is also prominent Messianic figure in Isaiah. In LXX Septuagint.. Gen 2:1/Isaiah 18:13 uses the term Αἰθιοπίας(Aithiopias). Kush is the mountain country north and east of Mesopotamia, so river Gihon must have been one of the several rivers which descend from the northern mountains to join the Euphrates river in the Syrian plain. Delete
I have found another mysterious phrase. Genesis 31:21 uses the phrase "Abar-Nahar" Ezra 5:3 - Tattenay , governor of ' Abar-Nehar" "Abar-Nahar" meant "Beyond the River" from "Ebir-Nari" in Akkadian. (that is, the Western bank of the Euphrates from a Mesopotamian and Persian viewpoint). Is not the term "Hebrew" a simplification of the phrase "Abar-Nahar", but the term works from a Mesopotamian view point ?? Abram-Nahor ? Abar-Nahor ? Here is Abrahams Tree. Salah (Sprout) Eber (Beyond) Peleg (River/Channel) Rell Serug (branch) Nahor (River) What does this mean ? Reply Delete
Truxton, I'm honestly not entirely sure what you are getting at. The Genesis example is just a regular verb phrase for crossing a river, not a technical noun phrase at all. The Ezra example is not even Hebrew, but is rather in an Aramaic section of Ezra. It is apparently a technical term from the Persian empire written in Aramaic, the language of the Persian empire. As for Abraham||Abar and Nahor||Nahar, neither of these parallels are actually from the same Hebrew roots, so there is clearly no relationship heated towel rail here. The Nahor in Abraham's genealogy is not the same root as "river." As for the others, the precise meaning of a number of the names is uncertain. Either way, no clear pattern seems to emerge, and I don't suspect the author is trying to tell us anything with these names. Reply Delete
2013 (18) November (2) September (1) August (2) Principles of Akkadian Textual Criticism Online Hendel's Text of Genesis 1-11 Online July (2) May (4) April (3) March (3) January (1) 2012 (37) December (4) November (3) October (1) September (1) June (4) May (3) April (6) March (8) February (3) January (4) 2011 (33) December (3) September (3) August (3) July (3) June (3) May (7) April (3) March (8)
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

We are looking into great steakhouses across the St. Louis area Patch sites this week. Your neighbor

Top Steak on Yelp: Truffles, Hendel's, bette The Block, Tahoe Joe's and more - Business - Florissant, MO Patch
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We are looking into great steakhouses across the St. Louis area Patch sites this week. Your neighbors give their opinions on the food, wait staff, experience and overall appearance of locations around town and Yelp! generates a rating. Based on Yelp's most reviewed ranking , here are the top 16 places to enjoy a steak throughout all Patch towns in the St. Louis area. 1. The Block in Webster Groves 2. Citizen Kane's Steak House in Kirkwood bette 3. Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar in Frontenac 4. McGurks Public House in O'Fallon 5. Kreis Restaurant in Frontenac 6. Tucker's Place in Manchester 7. Truffles Restaurant in Ladue 8. Hendel's Market Café in Florissant 9. Harvest in Richmond Heights 10. Kobe Steak House of Japan in Maryland Heights 11. Tahoe Joe's Famous Steakhouse in Chesterfield 12. Morton's in Clayton 13. Texas Roadhouse in Arnold 14. Stoney River Legendary Steaks in Chesterfield 15. Surf & Sirloin in Town and Country 16. Tokyo Steak House in Manchester Do you agree, or disagree with the Yelp list? Where is your favorite steakhouse?
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Friday, November 22, 2013

I did a reportage on Bastøy Prison Island for the German red tub e news magazine red tub e Der Spieg

I did a reportage on Bastøy Prison Island for the German red tub e news magazine red tub e Der Spiegel red tub e in 2010. On this island, located in the Oslo Fjord in Norway, are 115 inmates, punished for serious crimes, guarded by at least four unarmed guards. When I talked to these guys, I met some of the big names in Norwegian crime history. At the same time, I was very impressed by Arne Kvernvik Nilsen, chief of the prison, and how he treats the inmates: I treat them with respect, he said, and don t ask about their deeds. If they treat me the same way, they can succeed in society after their release.

Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs CLUSTAL W: improvin

Richard A. Voit 1 , 2 , Ayal Hendel 1 , Shondra M. Pruett-Miller 2 and Matthew H. Porteus 1 , * 1 Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University, 1291 Welch Rd. Stanford, CA 94305, USA and 2 Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75390, USA *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 650 725 6520 ; Fax: +1 650 736 0195 ; Email: mporteus{at} Received August 6, 2013. Revision received September 24, 2013. Accepted September 25, 2013.
Tal-effector nucleases (TALENs) are engineered proteins that can stimulate toxel precise genome editing through specific DNA double-strand breaks. Sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia are common genetic disorders caused by mutations in β-globin, and we engineered a pair of highly active TALENs that induce modification of 54% of human β-globin alleles near the site of the sickle mutation. These TALENS stimulate targeted integration of therapeutic, full-length toxel beta-globin cDNA to the endogenous β-globin locus in 19% of cells prior to selection as quantified by single molecule real-time sequencing. We also developed highly active TALENs to human γ-globin, a pharmacologic target in sickle cell disease therapy. Using the β-globin and γ-globin TALENs, we generated toxel cell lines that express GFP under the control of the endogenous β-globin promoter and tdTomato under the control of the endogenous γ-globin promoter. With these fluorescent reporter cell lines, we screened a library of small molecule compounds for their differential effect on the transcriptional activity of the endogenous β- and γ-globin toxel genes and identified several that preferentially upregulate γ-globin expression. The Author(s) 2013. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice The CLUSTAL_X Windows Interface: Flexible toxel Strategies for Multiple Sequence Alignment Aided by Quality Analysis Tools Accurate transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II in a soluble extract from isolated mammalian nuclei toxel The Protein Data Bank View all Most Cited articles
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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tanya Hendel Travel

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Tanya Hendel Travel & Photography Пользуясь случаем, хочу пропиарить журнал downstairs своей хорошей знакомой tanya_hendel (известной также в миру как Мильва). Мало того, что она много путешествует (в том числе автостопом), она ещё и неплохой фотограф. В журнале вы найдёте много классных фоток, автостопных баек и всего такого прочего. PS. Озеро Имандра , Кольский полуостров. Автор: Таня Гендель (Мильва).
October 14 2013, 06:46:56 UTC 1 month ago link Collapse Expand New comment

Freddy In Space's Vintage Halloween Costumes: Series 5! - [image: photo mask10_zps14685ea5.jpg] Last

In 1877, the original house was built in Reading, Pennsylvania. Charles W. Hendel, a financier and owner of the Charles aquanova W. Hendel hat manufacturing company, enlarged the Victorian mansion. He hired the  Muhlenburg Brothers Architects of Reading to turn the structure in to a spacious Queen Anne style family home, popular during that time period. Adelaide K. Hendel was the last of the Hendel family aquanova to live in the house. It was transformed in to a Lutheran church from 1949 to 1999. In 2000, a Marjorie Hendel-Perject "donated" the house to the Historical Society of Berks County in an effort to preserve the structure in honor of her grandfather Charles Hendel. It has since been used as office space, meetings, a space for events and storage. Hendel House is also believed to be haunted. A male spirit known as "Mr. Whitman" has been seen throughout the home and he may not be alone. Witnesses have also encountered a little girl and various other entities.  aquanova You have a chance to investigate it for yourself. S.P.I.R.I.T. Paranormal is organizing an event at Hendel House scheduled for September 21, 2013. For $60 per person, you get a mini history presentation from a person of the historical society, food (pizza, snacks, desserts and water (included in the cost)), and a 7 hour investigation of the location. Spots are limited. Check out their Facebook page for more information. Sources: Hendel aquanova House GoReadingBerks
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Recently I have come across this book. I heard the first incident ( which used to happen in the Indian aquanova Southern city of Chennai) was very infamous . You can check this out: 3:15 AM
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Mars Meteorite Reveals Secrets Of Red Planet - Scientists determine the crust of Mars was formed 4.4 billion years ago, after studying a meteorite found in Morocco. ---- link AltNews: The Best Alternati...
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Face Off's Sixth Season Premieres January 14 at 9pm ET on Syfy - NEW YORK – November 19, 2013 – Syfy’s smash hit and acclaimed unscripted series, Face Off, is back for a bold and extreme sixth season Tuesday, aquanova January 14...
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The Angels of Engel—Engel Stadium (Newsworthy Haunts) - *Engel Stadium* *1130 East Third Street* *Chattanooga, Tennessee* Despite its name—“engel” is German for “angel,” though this location takes its name from ...
Graphic Book Review: aquanova So...I Survived The Zombie Apocalypse - Until she wants to make friends, that is; first the pretend zombie dress-up for the dead party, but that doesn't go well when her nerdgirl takes charge, th...
Spiritual Dangers in Paranormal Investigations - A Supplement aquanova to The Spirit Universe a Christian View available at this Book Site The next post will be on 12/10/13 - A Christmas aquanova Message. *Introduction* T...
Freddy In Space's Vintage Halloween Costumes: Series 5! - [image: photo mask10_zps14685ea5.jpg] Last Halloween season, Freddy In Space's resident artist *Frank Browning*and myself spent a whole lot of time on ...
A late-night burrito or something more...interesting? Girls' Ghost Hunting Guide giveaway! - To celebrate a year of writing *Haunted Stuff *and *Forget-Me-Nots: A Boxcar Children's Guide to Adventure*, I'm giving away a signed copy of the *Girls' G...
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As the Mayan Red Herring Swims By… - Halcyon Days Not from successful love alone, Nor wealth, nor honor’d middle age, nor vict

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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In this small second part you will read about hitchhiking in Karelia, cross the Arctic Circle, eat strawberries in August, will walk 20 km along the tracks and zanochuete right at the waters douce of the largest lake in Karelia - Imandra! The next morning started again quite late, so on the outskirts of St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk, we were only three in the afternoon ... a lot of time lost on being back for a jacket, which I foolishly forgot to Petrozavodsk at home ... got pretty quickly and easily. But stuck there for a long time ... Karelia is famous for its lakes and forests, and I want to say that this stuff there is so much that on the track is simply nowhere to put up the tent! Forest so thick that there is hard to walk, not that break the tent ... and a lot of marshes. So during a trip to Karelia should douce attend to the place overnight! A bit of wandering around the neighborhood, nice and dry places we have not found, so we decided to try to go further. And in the choice we did not make a mistake! We perepala great big and comfortable car with a driver Fyodor, who was traveling to the Arctic Dawn, which is 720 km away! After a few hours of travel our driver quite tired and we stopped at a gas station to sleep. Tent pitched next to the road, the benefit was the third hour of the night, and we did not have a particularly visible. And with Fyodor we agreed to meet at a signal - he wakes up and pobibikaet us, and we quickly get together and go on. Never have I so quickly gathered a tent and a backpack! Morning all, about all it took us about ten minutes, no more. Fyodor we say that has not been able to sleep before our actions did not fit into his head. Hitchhiking from Brest to Murmansk ... After a while we came to the secret place - the monument to the Arctic douce Circle. Beyond this point starts another world ... the world of amazing lakes, springs and the White Sea. The world of natural beauty and grandeur of the cold. A world that captured our hearts with its splendor ... Arriving at the train station in Apatity, we learned that the train station Imandra - classic starting place of many routes on Khibiny - runs only twice a week, on Fridays and Sundays at six o'clock in the morning. We arrived on a Friday afternoon ... In general, all the way from St. Petersburg to Apatite took us 23 hours, given the fact that we slept 5 hours. Not bad for a 1,200 km! Walking in our direction only express trains, which cost 480 rubles. with a nose for the accident 35 km. And what do we decide? Of course, to walk on the tracks! In the mountains still go here mean that the extra 35 miles, especially on the street the great weather and the views are stunning! Generally, after a few kilometers we stopped to regret that they decided to go on foot, fascinated by the beauty around, and the process was interesting. From time to time we came to the lake Imandra and rested. This lake is the largest in the Kola Peninsula and seen it, really, anywhere. Day here lasts almost douce indefinitely, at 12 o'clock in the morning you can sit and read a book - so light on the street. Darkens douce only closer to two, but four have already dawning. This confuses the body is very familiar with the plot, and often we put a tent around midnight. On the way to a local grandmother zazvali us to visit and fed sandwiches with sausage and freshly douce strawberries. For me it was a pleasant surprise to have strawberries in August ... his first night on the Kola Peninsula, we spent at the lake: cleared a place close to the shore and the railway (at night Valera was undermined by the fact that he seemed to have the train rides!). Could not sleep for a long time - prevented the light, but fatigue took its toll.
Journal douce information Current price 10 LJ Tokens Social capital 51 184 Friends of Duration 24 hours Minimal stake 10 LJT View all available promo EtnoPolese tanya_hendel Friends! Yesterday I went on a wonderful trip to the uniqueness nice places Polessye. For those who are not very familiar with the ethnography of Belarus, ...
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yes I am a little worried until they just really are people for whom any death like mosquito bites. That's all I could not believe my wife thought I was just whimpering all. And then she showed me what she had blisters on the body inflated from each mosquito bite, and I began to understand it.
So I'm not znaaala)
We are very happy this trip and the place of our nochevoy so galloping along the beach, douce sho antelopes)
tanya_hendel Tanya Handel Website
Avtostopnye stories Venia Volga Grushinskiy Festival Imandra Kabardino-Balkaria, douce Caucasus Karpaty Lviv Kola peninsula of Crimea Marshrutnik Poles'e Hiking stories Elbrus Just like Ukraine Hibiny Hibiny and Two Elk Mountain Elbrus
tortellino: (no subject) [+3] kudaza4em: (no subjec

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A: In this project I mainly used the 28 mm and the 50 mm. The 28 mm was very useful to show the surr

Ilja C. Hendel: Crime and Penance on Bastøy « The Leica Camera
Ilja C. Hendel was born in Frankfurt / Main, Germany in 1971. He began his career in photography belfast sink in 1997 doing reportage and portraiture for a regional newspaper in southern Germany. He also has experience as a picture editor belfast sink for the German nationwide newspaper die tageszeitung. In 2006 he moved from Germany to the Norwegian capital of Oslo, where he currently lives. He mainly takes photographs for companies, corporate publishing houses and leading magazines in Scandinavia and Germany. Besides his daily work, he also does photographic projects for the German Goethe-Institut belfast sink on language and science.
In 2012 he received the Hansel-Mieth Prize, together with the journalist Nicola Abe, for his first Bastøy reportage published in Der Spiegel. A reportage about wood detectives for the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer belfast sink Protection was recently awarded the best reportage belfast sink at Deutscher Preis für Wissenschaftsfotografie His latest reportage on Bastøy Prison Island appears in the latest issue of LFI , which he describes in his own words below.
A: belfast sink I did a reportage on Bastøy Prison Island for the German belfast sink news magazine Der Spiegel in 2010. On this island, located in the Oslo Fjord in Norway, are 115 inmates, punished for serious crimes, guarded by at least four unarmed guards. When I talked to these guys, I met some of the big names in Norwegian crime history. At the same time, I was very impressed by Arne Kvernvik Nilsen, chief of the prison, and how he treats the inmates: I treat them with respect, he said, and don’t ask about their deeds. If they treat me the same way, they can succeed in society after their release. belfast sink
But this place, which can look like an idyllic society, is a tough place for those living belfast sink there because many of them have to learn to be responsible for their lives for the first time. And that is not always easy after a criminal belfast sink career and many years in a closed prison. The overall aim is to release them as citizens that can be part of the society and not getting into crime again. The numbers prove the concept. belfast sink
A couple of weeks after my first visit on the island, I got an email of one of the guards. Are you coming back? Quite a strange question. Since then, I had been thinking about visiting again and then I got the opportunity in cooperation with LFI.
A: To take photographs in a place, where in the beginning nobody wants to be photographed, the gear is quite important. The M is this friendly small thing, especially when it is used with small lenses, and not the huge black box covering your face while you try to connect with someone. But still, the M is not discreet. Every time I am out taking photographs with the M or M8.2, I get questions about What kind of camera is that? or Is it a Leica? But I like it. It opens opportunities when the potential model is interested in the photographers gear.
A: I met them with the same respect and politeness as I do when taking pictures of ministers, businesspeople, artists or other ordinary people. Besides that, the M attracts belfast sink attention. Not only on Bastøy, but almost every time I am out taking pictures with it. People get curious and start to ask questions about the camera. It s good start to open up with them.
Q: Of the Leica M lenses you used for this project, which one did you find the most useful, and when did you use the others? Also, since these images were evidently shot in natural daylight, what was your typical ISO setting, and did you shoot any pictures in low light at high ISOs?
A: In this project I mainly used the 28 mm and the 50 mm. The 28 mm was very useful to show the surroundings. One of my intentions was to show the island as an arena for the inmates. The 50 mm was useful to get a more concentrated view on the scene and the persons.
A feature I very much like with the new M is the Auto ISO function. It works perfect belfast sink for me. In this case, a typical ISO setting was between 200 and 400. But some of the pictures in the LFI magazine where shot with 2000 ISO also in ambient light. Even in my commercial photography belfast sink I am using the M with up to 2000 ISO without any doubt. On the contrary, I like the texture in the files exposed with between 800 and 2000 ISO.
Q: There is a certain matter-of-fact quality to the images in your Bastøy portfolio. One may not even suspect they were of a prison island without the story behind belfast sink them. They somehow convey an underlying feeling of sadness and hope as well as tranquil serenity. Do you agree, and if so was that your intention?
A: If you are hearing belfast sink about a documentary on a prison island then it is easy to think about Alcatraz and dramatic settings. The scenery on Bastøy is very different from that. It was not my intention to make it understandable on the first glance where we are. As it is written in LFI, the chief of the prison says: I treat the inmates wit

Monday, November 18, 2013

First in Romania: National Agency for Fiscal Administration sent addresses of companies to pay taxe

Arad Bacau Baia Mare: Botosani: Braila Brasov Bucharest Buzau: Calafat: Calarasi: Constanta: Campina: Caransebes: Craiova: Ceahlau Chop: Cluj-Napoca: Drobeta Turnu Severin Focsani: Galati: Gyergyószentmiklós: Giurgiu: Iasi : Oradea: Petrosani: Prundu: USA: Ploiesti: Ramnicu Valcea Reds for Viewing: Satu Mare: Six March: Sebes: highgrove bathrooms Sibiu: Sighet: highgrove bathrooms Slatina: Slobozia: Suceava: Sulina: Talmaciu: Timisoara Targoviste: Targu-Mures: Vf . Omu:
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Surprise at the IMF | Fighting deficits could be carried by a large increase in income taxes and targeting multinationals
The International Monetary Fund has sparked highgrove bathrooms a big surprise this week in Washington, suggested that after fighting deficits could be carried by raising taxes on high incomes and targeting multinationals, AFP, reports HotNews.
Inserted into a report related to debt, this optical change was overshadowed by concerns about the U.S. budget crisis, but did not escape the attention of experts and NGOs. "I highgrove bathrooms had to read it twice to make sure the report I understood well," explains Nicolas Mombrial, director of Oxfam in Washington: "Rare IMF proposals highgrove bathrooms are so surprising." Guardian highgrove bathrooms of financial orthodoxy, the IMF traditionally requires states in need to reduce public spending and to reduce their deficits. But in the report heading "Tax Time" Fund suggests taxing high earners and their heritage to "strengthen legitimacy" and savings highgrove bathrooms plans to fight the deepening inequalities. Source: HotNews
Romans Users Association Financial Services: NBR protected highgrove bathrooms banks and credit agreements with unfair terms
First in Romania: National Agency for Fiscal Administration sent addresses of companies to pay taxes before inspection
YMCA Romania aims to develop positive contemporary society highgrove bathrooms by training young people to strengthen the community.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I agree that you should not have to make waves, as long as you have a relationship with your brand.

Raluca has a problem with a bulb burned. And for that, I suppose, can not understand that some things are called "consumers" just because at some point it consumes chose to rush into online that was burnt bulb. The bulb in question costs 35 lei. I propose to make up a collection to donate a penny each for Raluca to take and bulb in the house.
August 21, 2013 at 2:42
August 21, 2013 at 3:16 I love that everyone talk about common sense, "is" or "is not", but nobody bathroom taps discuss some data: IKEA Romania or change your bulbs burned guy? If yes, the request may be treated as a lady's honest attempt to study reactions in social media company. If not, then it's just infatuated clinging to detail to spark some waves.
I agree that you should not have to make waves, as long as you have a relationship with your brand. On the other hand, LED bulbs are more expensive just because you are guaranteed a long service life.
Michael John says:
That's exactly what it was and in my opinion can not guarantee for consumable Since we are the situation is complicated. Not sure what operating system had, under what conditions, where fitted, the temperature reaches etc. But you can request another! As soon as I'm moved out, and I need to make my relationships with some brands. Especially mobile!
January. Bought without making bill: - goes to Ikea and buys another bulb (same) - with proof of the new bulb can cause the bulb to change old (I'm pretty sure no one group check) - after work makes return to light again
February. He bought the bill: - if not found invoice has to go to Ikea and ask for a duplicate (it releases in place) - the bill is bill series, so with a mail @ ikea . com may obtain a copy of the receipt (may take a few days) - with copies bon goes and change their light
As long as the extended use product guarantees that certain salt to 1 year should be accompanied by a guarantee certificate. I do not understand why it's so strange, considering that many other products are sold at the same price with that.
[...] To the news, the community of bloggers bathroom taps from Romania bathroom taps opened (it's a mirror, right?) An account at [insert bathroom taps bank fav brand here] to raise the funds necessary for the inevitable sentence of [...]
No, Raluca bathroom taps has no problem, Ikea has a problem because about those bulbs that last 15,000 hours and if it took 500 hours somewhere. It is normal to ask us when we are cheated rights.
PS. Vlad, checking a product in which it is done with a lot click if Ikea has a good application management / sales.
"Well, get over that intends to give Raluca unfriend and unfollow all those who disagree with her, she did not, who is not with us is against us. Even if you beg a light bulb. "- Grow up dude!
It does not seem exaggerated attitude (only in the context of lack of receipt, maybe). Even a light bulb that cost as much as a toaster. Who knows, the light from IKEA or write that is certified bathroom taps for 25,000 bathroom taps hours (about 3 years running bathroom taps continuously). If the condition is not respected, should not be replaced? (Based on the receipt?) bathroom taps Does not seem "piscotareala" to ask for observing the operation of a product. It's pencil, bathroom taps lamp, blender or plasma.
[...] That most everyone has followed the story of the lamp from IKEA, started here, continued here and in hundreds of tweets and fun sites on Facebook and even explained Raluca bathroom taps blog [...]
))) Bulb has blown me out of that one in a week, I would have never crossed my mind to write or to tell it, to notice or, to think of this as a problem. but if you do not work, you do.
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

November bath tub 16 Judo: Two gold medals for Romania in the first day of the U-23 European Champi

Defense Minister Mircea Dusa meets His counterpart from Rep. of Moldovan on Friday | Financial bath tub - latest news in Finance, Banking, Economy, Real Estate and IT
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Information in English
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Romanian Ministry of National Defence Mircea Dusa Will meet, on Friday, September 20, His counterpart from the Republic of Moldova, Vitalie bath tub Marina, bath tub at the Romanian Ministry of National Defence (MND) headquarters, the Institution informs in a press release.
The two Ministers Will examine the current stage of bilateral relations between the two countries in the military field, as well as Aspects of Cooperation in the Future, According to a press release from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Moldova, quoting the head of the Defense Policy and Defense Planning Directorate, Col. Vladimir Ababii.
The quoted source That year notes Will Be Given Increased attention bath tub to Cooperation in the field of military education, with visits scheduled at the National University of Defense and the Military Technical Academy, Where meetings are programmed with Those Institutions both leadership and with the Republic of Moldova Military, Enrolled for studies bath tub in These structures.
The Parliament in Chisinau ratified the Inter-Governmental Agreement on Military Cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldova on June 28, Which provides the legal framework for military Cooperation between the two countries.
The Military Cooperation Areas includes as defense planning, human resource management, military information, medical activities. For the Implementation of this agreement is a joint military commission to be set up, Which Will Meet Annually, According to the document. bath tub
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November bath tub 16 Judo: Two gold medals for Romania in the first day of the U-23 European Championships in Bulgaria bath tub November 16 Romanian researchers bath tub will receive grants worth 20 million Zgonea November 16: The biggest GDP after the Revolution in 2014 through economic measures bath tub USL November 16 Ioana Basescu contract with CEC Bank released November 16 Galaţi County Prefect Catalin Emanoil Bocaneanu, custody for 29 days
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vivian: growth we produce and export criminals florin: yes anti-communist hysteria of the masses thrown towards social materialism, to the denial of traditional peasant origins but persists and will persist for Canu can be materialistic without Laurentiu: Hello my name is schiopu dumitru Laurentiu are dorohoi Botosani and would like to adopted a child aged 10 to 18 years as Paul Rodgers: So am I in all sufeltul to be elected the next Pope in the Vatican, and irresponsible zambaretz dreams to be prime minister pension bath tub ... but who's Paul Rodgers: If you do not want irresponsible cheerful comrade. Pontake, bath tub he would never have found this fake "revolutionary"! And this for the simple fact that

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Defense Minister Mircea how to tile a shower Dusa, performs Thursday and Friday an official visit t

Defense Minister Mircea how to tile a shower Dusa, performs Thursday and Friday an official visit to the United States to attend the debate organized by the Atlantic Council on the 'stage of bilateral U.S. - Romania', informs MND. According to him on Friday, the Minister Mircea Dusa will meet with U.S. Secretary of Defense, how to tile a shower Charles Timothy Hagel. "The same day, the Minister of Defense has planned meetings with the chairman of the defense in the House of Representatives, Department Chairman Buck McKeon and Strategic Affairs, House of Representatives, Mike Rogers. Agenda for Friday, October 18, includes meeting with Frank Rose, assistant Deputy defense policy of the U.S. secretary of state, "says MND. AGERPRES / (AS - author: Andreea Dascalescu, editor: Cristina Tatu)
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Friday, November 15, 2013

Information in English

Ministry of Defence Mircea Dusa: Programme related to building of armored troop Carried 8 8 Continues tea towels in Moreni | Financial - latest news in Finance, Banking, Economy, Real Estate and IT
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Information in English
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The national programs related to the building of the 'Armored troop carrier (TBT) 8 8' at the Moreni-based plant Automecanica Will continue GMT next together with our foreign partners to discuss how we SHOULD equip this vehicle, Minister of National Defence Mircea Dusa made an announcement on October 8 in Targoviste (southern Romania).
'We have two carriers built at Moreni, one to be tested in the next two week, and I'm talking now about the 8 8 carrier, But we are going to discuss with our foreign partners about the other elements That is supposed to make this operational tea towels carrier, since the armor is already done and fits the Technical Requirements for the protection of the troops, "said Dusa.
Mircea Dusa Ministry of Defence on Tuesday paid a working visit to the Dambovita tea towels County (southern Romania), seeing the Mija Mechanical Plant, the Moreni-based Automecanica plant and the Special tea towels Products Manufacturer tea towels in Dragomiresti.
'I've been paying visits to all the three plants tea towels today to see what we do Financing Possibilities SHOULD have and what the Ministry of Defence Objectives set for the next year, so That to ensure enough orders for the plants in the Dambovita County too. We DISCUSSED the matter with the management of each of the plants and with the trade unions and we are sure to find Possibilities to have These plants produce a continuous form for the MoD next year, while we Will Also be Able to Satisfy Our Need for upgrading and modernizing the Romanian Army ', Mircea Dusa said.
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are I think few (but good) who let a mystery of such items and enjoy them. for others there is Mast

Alien encounters have been reported by many people from different places of the planet. Most times, they are traumatic for people that are either kidnapped or are subjected to laboratory tests. However, there are other meetings that leaves no physical marks, but only psychical and of course raises many questions.
One such meeting occurred in 1967, when a woman who wishes bathroom decor to remain anonymous, visit Israel. Right on the beach of the Sea of Galilee was approached by several humanoid bathroom decor beings who have said that to make a small gift. In just a few seconds was simply moved to the scene that occurs about 2000 years ago when Jesus scour the world to make known their faith.
She was a little shocked the moment he saw Jesus in the flesh, but was inspired and took the camera to capture the moment. When he got home the film developed and found many pictures of Jesus was that he was accompanied bathroom decor by his disciples.
This event changed his life simply that women, but for obvious reasons was afraid to publish this story over time. Only now, when mankind is changing the perspective and the UFO phenomenon is so publicized photos made public both anonymous and that happened about 50 years ago.
Featured Articles: Issue shocking! Jesus and the Virgin Mary were photographed in the sky a mysterious city in Switzerland Life of Jesus: Creator was initiated by Buddhist monks was discovered the real tomb of Jesus Lie: A man lying on average 5 times per day, while only woman 3 times holy lance, spear story that was stabbed bathroom decor Jesus Is time travel possible? In 1938 a woman talking on cell phone - Video Nations of Islam: "Jesus was a man and a Muslim culaore" Julia Pastrana, the ugliest woman in the world was buried 150 years after Jesus' tomb is in Jerusalem, but in Shingo, Japan! Evidence that Jesus had a wife are vehemently contested by Vatican representatives conflicting theories bathroom decor about the life and death of Jesus was discovered a box containing information about a winged alien species (photo) theory of a scientist: bathroom decor We are aliens bathroom decor and I was brought bathroom decor to Earth 200,000 years ago A Romanian woman says she was abducted by aliens and that was born after the meeting bathroom decor of fourth degree Another version of the crucifixion of Jesus described in an Egyptian text
It is a big lie that presume that the camera that he held the woman makes clearer picture than we can see above, no camera today, or 50 years ago did not make Such pictures.
It is a big lie that presume bathroom decor that the camera that he held the woman makes clearer picture than we can see above, no camera today, or 50 years ago did not make Such pictures.
Interesting math you'll ... I'm not over 50, but only 46 by my calculations ... Or maybe you've traveled in time and you made 2020 ... News that stupid humanity ... What can I say ..
Interesting math you'll ... I'm not over 50, but only 46 by my calculations ... Or maybe you've traveled in time and you made 2020 ... News that stupid humanity ... What can I say ..
are I think few (but good) who let a mystery of such items and enjoy them. for others there is Mastercard. or marmots that foil wrapped chocolates. bathroom decor these photos and this story does not deny the existence bathroom decor of Jesus and his faith and the importance of his teachings have in the world now. What would the world be without Christianity (I do not mean Christian bathroom decor dogma). Jesus on earth passed away, but his teachings still curatimea power and inspire tens of thousands of people. but we look not only to the fence that surrounds our house ... like smoking woman, they are fake pictures, like that like that .... but we actually think with all the power to deny this being that there are now 2,000 years (I have personal examples) that "bother us" ... power, power teachings, others through them that we will become "superior" .... ego and pride (not to mention the power and mind control) is to be found in these years ... eventually bathroom decor ....
are I think few (but good) who let a mystery of such items and enjoy them. for others there is Mastercard. or marmots that foil wrapped chocolates. these photos and this story does not deny there

Thursday, November 14, 2013

SAUR First the 2 that you saw in Expomil will leave today, no later than Friday to Craiova to start

Air Forces ... Americans and their friends Romanian Army Armament Romanian Russian weapons supplied American Weapons European Weapons Weapons Romanian Army Aviation-ROAF China & Asia China Military Drone, UAV Helicopters economy Heroes Romania enigmas Far East Land Forces Military Intelligence Geopolitics paini India Industry Romans Israel & Co . Weapons Weapons History History History Mari Romani Romanian Romanian Navy Navy News Middle East equipped with radar and electronic warfare
Octavian Goga about 1916 comments clau Romanian politicians in Editorial - Portuguese military ballistic spine in Editorial - Portuguese military backbone evening MC photos - photos Land Forces George GMT Evening - George Land Forces in Article evening GMT - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC in photos of the evening - Land Forces GSG9 in Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian George GMT in Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC in Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian George GMT in Article evening paini - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC in Article evening - Provide paini F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC in photos of the evening - MC Land Forces in photos of the evening - Land Forces rookie 'in pictures of the evening - Mad Max Land Forces in Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC in Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian Vector in Article evening - Provide F-16A / B Block 15 Romanian MC the evening photos - enzo Land Forces in History annexation of Bessarabia Recent photos of the evening - Forces Land Editorial - Portuguese military backbone Iron Dome in americaneasca first Oplot for Thailand T-90 MS Tagil, the last gasp of the T-90? China and Japan were drones Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System Constantin Tanase "And paini that what I did?" Russia could have a naval base in Egypt USS Gerald R. Ford was christened 101 AW History paini annexation of Bessarabia, successes, paini successes Editorial ... - Egypt turns to face the Russians flex monitors homeland. Today: Kogalniceanu - ship radar :))) Encyclopedia of Weapons: "divine paini wind" Romania Economic Blog Donate 2% of your soldiers ACTTM Links Silver Wings Altair Poland's blog Neamţu-trophic tiganu's blog - Geopolitics Cristian Negri - Dan BLOG tanasa Focus Blog Armaments Department Special Operations Forces mules pin Karadeniz Romanian Defense Industry Press Store Magazine aerodrome STORIES PATROMIL Diplomatic Tactics
World of Tanks Cristian Negrea - Cnut blood of Mother Russia River & When talking Weapons Handling websites Romania Military Armored Youtube series that made history: Armored paini Panther and Tiger that made history: paini T-34 Soviet steel fist! Weapons produced in Romania Romanian Army weapons fire in air-to-air Missile Weapon Encyclopedia produced in Romania ideas and solutions endowment Romanian skydiving history and world history and 93 Eagle aircraft construction and over 99, by Neamţu-Tiganu Fiareeee, old fiareeee cumpaaaar and F- 16! Ancient Romans. Our history! Superavioane! Stories Silver paini Wings Aerodrome
Tuesday, Defense Minister Mircea Dusa, made a visit to Moreni Mechanical Plant invited the occasion Expomil to discuss national program tranportorul armored troops equipped with 8 8.
SAUR First the 2 that you saw in Expomil will leave today, no later than Friday to Craiova to start four weeks of intensive tests conducted paini by MoD staff. If we remember SAUR2 and Craiova are old acquaintances, all the money being made in the capital last speed tests. Then RoMilitary will set photos from these tests.
Moreover, at the request of the Army! Mr. Dusa agreed to do everything possible SAUR 2 to be purchased as soon, at least 5-6 copies began, military selling a very good opinion about the capabilities of this transporter, especially from the current fleet of combat equipment was available. The Defence Minister was quite upset that have not found money for the repair of two 8 8 armored personnel carriers, made in Iraq and staying in halls Morenii four years. As we argued on the site, purchasing SAUR 2 APCs could use not only the Army, but it would help financially, TBT development ... yet this is the first time that the Army requires, and the Minister agrees with eve

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

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Models toilets for extreme passion for ... - AutosWorld
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