International security situation, how to develop military capabilities within NATO through projects 'Smart Defense', given the global economic crisis and insufficient budgetary allocations for defense and the main aspects of the Romanian-American strategic partnership in defense were main topics of talks with U.S. counterpart Defence Minister, Charles Timothy Hagel. During the meeting issues were developed by Romanian Army procurement programs with F-16 multirole aircraft and pilot training, cooperation to Afghan troops and material and the missile shield project status Deveselu. Regarding the last point, Dusa Minister pointed out that Romania has met all the deadlines and obligations will continue to carry out all other tasks for the project sdb to be completed. Furthermore, Afghanistan was another topic of discussion, the context in which the defense minister said that the post 2014 will represent a new stage of transformation, when Romania will remain committed to maintaining Alliance cohesion and solidarity. Medical treatment for Roman soldiers in American hospitals, and support to Romanian troops to conduct missions were elements that Romanian delegation wished to point the meeting. The two officials agreed to extend the search modes military cooperation and support sdb Romania's efforts to become a leader in the region. At the end of the discussions, the Romanian Minister of Defense and U.S. omologue invitation to events will be held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of NATO and 20 joining the Partnership for Peace. U.S. Secretary of Defense responded to the invitation, declaring himself very happy with the evolution of Romania within NATO.
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Stolojan: Budget 2014, the typical leftist socialist. Reflects the failure of economic policy USL
What actually this partnership brings us all cling to him? Economic not bring any advantage! Politics not as rather detrimental to Russia! And then what? Even idiots like you to persist in this "alliance" damaging sdb to Romania!?
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