Although man is vain and convents, but they studied no more than 5% of the world
Although man is vain and convents, but they studied no more than 5% of the world's mira oceans and seas. Though these waters occupy more than 70% of the Earth's surface and live there as much as 90% of all living beings of the planet.
The more interesting the two expeditions mira in the "deepest hole" on the ground, covered with water column height at the 11 kilometers. It is located in the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific. The deepest point of the gutter - Abyss Challenger. The most recent measurements of the depth of 10 994 m below sea level. Thus Abyss is on more than two kilometers below sea level than Mount Everest towers over him.
While at the bottom of the Mariana Trench towering mountains very real - on its bottom four ridge stretch up to 2.5 km. All these ridges and depression - is "wrinkles" of the lithosphere, which were formed in the process of constant movement and lowering down of the Pacific plate beneath the Philippine lithosphere.
The first dive to the bottom of the human point of the Mariana Trench was made January 23, 1960 by the French explorer Jacques Picard and Lieutenant Don Walsh of the U.S. Navy. They fell back on the bathyscaphe "Trieste" - an autonomous underwater vehicle.
"Trieste" is a sealed steel capsule fericheskoy shape with a wall thickness of 127 mm, a float attached to a large, light filled with an incompressible liquid (gasoline) - buoyancy. To lower down to adjust the speed of immersion and subsequent ascent cones were designed with metal shot, which the crew dumped overboard portions of the machine.
Piccard and Walsh reached the bottom of the Abyss Challenger 4 hours 48 minutes, lifting took 3 hours 15 minutes. At the bottom of the brave stayed for about 20 minutes. Pressures will exceed normal earthly time in 1100. Nevertheless, at the bottom of the Abyss, which is flattened into a thin sheet all living mira things, the researchers spotted creatures similar to flounder ...
Only in 1995, the Japanese probe "Kaiko" was lowered into the Abyss, and very accurately recorded depth - 10 911.4 meters.
Then in 2009, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench plunged American automatic underwater vehicle "Nereus". The device recorded 10,902 meters mira depth, shot a video, and sediment samples collected at the bottom.
March 26, 2012 American film director James Cameron became the third man in history to have reached the deepest point of the oceans and the first to do it alone. Cameron plunged into the abyss on a single machine "Challenger" and using the fence at the bottom of the devices took several soil samples, as well as "deep caught a few small creatures."
His unit had a positive mira reserve buoyancy due to ductile incompressible material in the form of tiny glass spheres placed in a polymeric resin. To control the descent and ascent "Challenger" used dumped steel plates. 12 controlled water cannons ensure horizontal and vertical mobility.
Unlike the "Trieste" apparatus "Challenger" was equipped with a powerful modern lighting equipment - LED panel length of 2, 5 meters. The light from this panel provides bright illumination at a distance of 30 meters. The filming was done with modern 3D-video cameras at the highest resolution.
It should be noted that, despite the evidence of the crew of "Trieste", the issue of fish swimming at the bottom of the Abyss, remains open so far as drones fish there, too, was found.
However, back in 2003 in the United States were published sensational results of studies conducted in the Mariana mira Trench Americans. mira They plunged into the abyss, unmanned platform, equipped with powerful searchlights, very sensitive and extra sensitive microphones video systems.
Platform slowly descended into the abyss steel wire. And at first everything was normal. But after a few hours on video monitors in the light of powerful searchlights began flickering silhouettes mira of strange large objects (allegedly scientists dimensions not less than 12-16 meters), and microphones at this time passed harsh sounds - thumping metal and gnashing of iron.
When the platform is raised (and not sink to the bottom), mira it was found that the powerful platform steelwork places bent and steel cables as if sawn. Organisms of flesh that could not do. Experts declined to comment. But popular science magazine commented sensation unequivocally and unanimously: at incredible depth there is a "somebody" - a reasonable and owning at least locksmith technologies. mira
In homelessness already having stayed
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