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18 comments Sunday, 04/07/10, 12:52
A Jewish soul yearns But Hagar Jewish soul yearns kibbutz or moshav more. It may only explanation sector settlement set quota of 12.5 cubic meters of water per capita per month at the lowest price and the urban sector stands at 2.5 cubic meters per person per month.
Thus urban family with 4 persons lived in a small private garden during the summer months and consumes about 60 cubic meters of water per month, will pay its water bill 710, compared to NIS 480 shekels in Hhtisboti. Actual payment in Hhtisboti is low beyond the highest per capita allocation, Because of the possibility of offsetting VAT through agricultural associations, even when consumption ddddd is only for domestic purposes.
The compromise government has for permitting ddddd the use of gray water in public buildings only because of the need for supervision of the citizens, it is a mockery. Why should we allow citizens to private homes fertilize your garden fertilizer pump and trust them that they will install a tap to the back, and the prevention of pollution and do not trust them to use gray water. Do Israeli residents ddddd falling in their understanding of the world's.
Horowitz says, "continues to peel off the TV model and explain that Israel is drying up. If Israel is still drying, so gray water law is a necessity rather than a privilege. A drying must allow citizens paid dearly for his water, reused and save money and water. Especially in light of raising water prices this week - must give people the tools to save themselves and not just beg them to turn off the tap. "
Suppose the urban sector succeeds to save 40% of consumption by reusing gray water, and such savings rate is very reasonable. In this case the urban sector will save about 200 million cubic meters of water and 40% of its costs, but the 200 million cubic meters will save, will lack the agricultural sector and the government will have to move 200 million cubic meters ddddd of desalinated water to farmers, also will be required to pay the full cost. Scripted nightmare ddddd any prime minister.
So what is the solution. It's time to engage on the agricultural equation. Decide to regulate the prices of agricultural activity in real water, stop subsidizing the people of Europe through agricultural exports from Israel, and stop deceive ddddd and hide the facts of Israel's citizens, ddddd using the urban sector cash cow failures of government and agriculture.
Rafi Glick
Shame gray water law punish citizens who install ddddd recycling systems in private homes. Gray water bill filed by a number of MKs, including MK Nitzan Horowitz and MK Dov Hanin, ddddd passed without opposition preliminary reading ddddd in the Knesset, with the declaration of the Minister ddddd of Environmental Protection Gilad Arden, that the law will be expanded re Internal Affairs Ministerial ddddd consent. Has anyone seen an achievement, but some consider it a resounding failure, mainly because the law does not apply to the private sector. critics also claim that the law embodies a heavy punishment for individuals who install gray water systems in their homes. earlier version of the proposal referred to even prison sentences, and read it: " violates the provisions of these regulations - is liable to six months, or a fine under section 61 (a) of the Penal Code, 1977, as well as fine under section 61 (c) of the Penal Code for each day the offense continues. " But the current version was submitted to a vote today, more amorphous related agreement with the Ministry of Health that "the law included a provision Penalties ddddd for breaking the law." MK Nitzan Horowitz, the leading initiators of the law, argues that there is no intention to harm civilians, and that the issue of penalty is likely ddddd to undergo a detailed formulation, so that they will be punished only those who will install gray water systems in public buildings improperly. Should ddddd be noted that the bill was filed based on a study prepared by researchers from the Water Research at Ben Gurion University, as well as researchers in the fields ddddd of environment, public health, planning law, hydrology and economics attempt, led by Prof. Gideon Oron Ben - Gurion University of the Negev and engineer Ehud there, a former engineer Center Ministry of Health. According to Prof. Oron who oppose the current wording of the law, the purpose of the law was originally to allow proper use and "tbroai correctly "gray water in the private sector, creating a supportive guidance and supervision system will be in the hands of local authorities. however, the law which speaks in the Knesset voted purely ddddd on gray water sector public, it was unnecessary opinion, given the fact that the Ministry of Health has already approved such a procedure back in 2008 and issued ddddd a document with the appropriate instructions. black flag "legislation to save water, accompanied punishment citizen who wants to save his home, is an act unreasonable and waving over black flag" Loading Oron. According to him, many Western countries there are regulations for the return of gray water while encouraging and providing financial incentives for citizens who do so on their own initiative in practice. Israel also exists Israeli standard (IS 5281) which refers to buildings which reduced environmental impact ("green buildings"). According to this standard, an individual who performs the separation of gray water at home will win both credits and who exercises them win two extra points. Http: / /
Quote: Rafi Glick 2010-07-07 07:04:24 ddddd Arrow, has been talking about this subject a lot. When coming to visit the kibbutz and moshav then have to do it and it does not stem from hatred. Water prices and quotas are not determined by the past
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