Sunday, November 23, 2014

Some community gardens, especially the closer towel rack to the city, has long been a cry of collec

The so-called collective gardens complete loss of proper function. More and more Panevėžys gardens not to buy pasikapstyti beds, and here to stay. However, the settlers not only waiting for fresh air and tranquility, but also surprises.
Some community gardens, especially the closer to the city, has long been a cry of collective gardens: towel rack instead of wooden cottages with modern houses are springing up, and beds with vegetables changed towel rack gracefully sleek lawn. U. Mikaliūno photo.
Some community gardens, especially the closer towel rack to the city, has long been a cry of collective gardens: instead of wooden cottages with modern houses are springing up, and beds with vegetables changed gracefully sleek lawn. Real estate experts towel rack say that one of the main reasons why almost a decade already allotment gardens are home to one of the most attractive towel rack options - it is much cheaper than a private house in the city and more privacy and much lower fees than an apartment.
As pointed out by Ober Haus Panevezys Head Romualdas Paulauskas, always there are families who want to live in the gardens. Generally in the form of a young family, towel rack which can not be afraid of the acquired pasitvarkyti garden house. Because very rarely such a residential towel rack area is adapted to live in the winter, has all the necessary communications.
On average, garden house with a six-acre plot of land, depending on the location and condition of the house, it costs about 40-90 thousand. LTL. The most expensive cost houses garden communities close to the city: Oak, Maple, Sermutas "Piniavos gardens. Its price is also close to water bodies in real estate.
The garden house is one of the options for the family that wants to live in the house, but his neįperkančiai and unwilling to pay for the expensive heating in the apartment. Of course, there are other nuances: some families even imagine myself anywhere else than in an apartment, because After closing its doors do not take care of the heating or leaf raking. And if there are small children in the family, life in the garden and can be unattractive, especially if there is no public transport, "- notes Paulauskas.
However, towel rack most home gardens, looking around the family knows what life awaits them. If looking for a cheaper option is usually only electricity. However, communication is not difficult to adopt. towel rack Some people even homes Service warming gas, although the gas inlet and is not: its plot dig tanks, which constantly fills the gas.
Limit by which the population willing to pay for a house in the garden, according to real estate expert, up to about 90 thousand. LTL, since already from 150 thousand. towel rack can build or buy a new house with partially finished, but not in the gardens, where the house stands next to the house, and even suburban village or urban area J. Tilvyčio end of the street, molainiai, Ežerėlio district or elsewhere.
Now mainly looking around 170-180 thousand. LTL-priced house with partially finished - it is much more popular option than a large well-appointed homes rose garden for 200-300 thousand. LTL. People towel rack seek warm, cozy, cost houses, and if it's too expensive, looking towel rack about 50-60 square meters. log cabin in the garden, towel rack and it adopts apsišiltina communications "-" second, towel rack "said Paulauskas.
Real estate towel rack agency Asimonas director Kestutis Kazakevičius also argues that in most cases the gardens Panevezys running from excessive bills for heating and for who knows what. The most attractive places - about 10 kilometers from the city: Piniavos, Velžio, Kaubariškio and gardens located within the city community. If the wrong house to live in the winter, with prices ranging from 25 thousand., Already clean houses costing up to 100 thousand., While the most attractive - 50-60 thousand. LTL priced older construction tidy 3 bedroom cottages with all modern conveniences.
"It is desirable that the garden of the house price below 100 thousand. LTL, because for so much already can look for home town. Expensive sell garden towel rack house cost 130 thousand. One was Velžio other - Paįstrio gardens. While squaring small, but quite modern furnished, and come to live, "- said K. Kazakevičius.
"I have to offer a decent house in the garden for 75 thousand. LTL correspondents really a lot, but many are put off by the fact that there is no communication. If it were to find a buyer occur very quickly. However, if people are interested in things, know that these days to dig out a well, buy and buy hydrofresh treatment plant costs about 7 thousand., But then the water will not cost practically nothing. I think that this option will not look for a long time buyer, but a colleague who asked me to help sell a house under construction "Oak Community for 90 thousand., Is unlikely towel rack to sell. For only the closed roof. Windows, doors, heating, plumbing, decoration, environment, and everything else will be about 150 thousand., So for that amount can buy a decent house and pretty city, "- said K. Kazakevičius.
The most common garden houses to buy young families towel rack or expatriates. Lately, especially active in real estate loans, although on

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