Saturday, April 4, 2015

I will give you the most common types: Acroloxus lacustris Ancylus fluviatilis Antemone flaminia He

I wish you a wonderful day. Nice to watch the fish, aquatic plants and other animals. Click to listen highlighted text! I wish you a wonderful day. Nice to watch the fish, aquatic plants and other animals. Powered By GSpeech
Basics Plants Fish Biology Technology Maintenance Articles About Life Experience Fish Species Scientific Nutrition Atlas Plants Fish Centrarchidae Malawi Cichlids African Cichlids Tanganyika Cichlids Victoria American whim Labyrinth Notopteridae catfish Tetra Živorodky Wild mollies Color mollies Shrimps Snails flaminia Reports Events Exhibitions 2014 Exchange 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2000 Documents breeding institutions Trades Club Breeding Reports Documents
The tanks are normally kept snails - Gastropoda, to a lesser extent Lamellibranchia mussels (Bivalvia). Other classes Monoplacophhora, flaminia Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda (cephalopods) not. But will include shellfish. In this section Aquarium considered only on aquatic species, flaminia land subject to the first Parent.
The term is often used snails. Not used rightly, we should speak of gastropods, even on bivalve molluscs. Gastropods fulfill the function of the aquarium consumers banked material - rotting leaves, unconsumed food debris, dead fish, other organic residues. It is often desirable especially their activity in the presence of rearing tanks, which theoretically flaminia can accumulate more organic waste. Some - e.g. ampularia, but can their excrements in large size significantly burden the water, so the large individual Ampullaria recommended 30 l of water.
Snails feed on the algae, in the absence of food and plants, which can create small holes. Shell (shell) snails flaminia is also composed of calcium, so the waters are very soft water snails failing - require calcium. In case of deficiency are their mailbox soft and snails generally deteriorate. Thus, the snails in bulk significant impact on water hardness. If we have such a water slug is added to water for example. cuttlefish bone, or other form available form of calcium. In terms of production of sex cells that are predominantly hermaphrodites (hermaphrodite), but also gonochorists. Snails are for certain species of fish food, of course, especially smaller species. flaminia They can be enjoyed rájovce other labyrinth fish, cichlids, štvorzubce.
I will give you the most common types: Acroloxus lacustris Ancylus fluviatilis Antemone flaminia Helena Clithon sp. Dreissena flaminia polymorpha Ferriss Gyraulus sp. Lymnea stagnalis Marisa cornuarietis Planorbella sp. Planorbis sp. Pomacea bridgesii (Ampullarius australis) - grows to 6-7 cm Melanoides granifera Melanoides tuberculata Neritina natalensis Physa fontinalis Physastra proteus Pisidium sp. Planorbis corneus Pomacea cf. lineata Radix peregra Sphaerium corneum Sphaerium rivicola Tylomelania sp. Viviparus
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December 4th, 2013 | Tags: Acroloxus lacustris, Algae, ampullary, Ampullaria, Ampullarius australis, Ancylus fluviatilis, Antemone Helena, atlases, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda, Dreissena polymorpha, fish, excrement, Gastropoda, hermaphroditism, consumers, Lamellibranchia, mussels, scallops flaminia , Lymnea stagnalis, molluscs, Marisa cornuarietis, Melanoides granifera, Melanoides flaminia tuberculata, Neritina natalensis, organic waste, Physa fontinalis, Physastra proteus, Planorbis corneus, flaminia Pomacea bridgesii, Pomacea cf. Line, Radix peregra, algae, Scaphopoda, snails, Sphaerium corneum Sphaerium rivicola, hardness, Tylomelania, snails, shells, calcium, viviparus, aquatic plants | Category: Atlas
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