Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Logname seashells is a Comment Nick: Password:

I -Kúpila apartment -Preboha, seashells Mom, where, when, how? Mama waved us in the sight of the little bottles, instead of the ignition key and jednostaj repeatedly that we can finally live in a remote corner of the world where there will be peace, fresh air and more.Tak we overnight pobalili.Veľa we said that nevzali.Mama that we should only take drobnosti.Nedávalo quite zmysel.Ak you move, you certainly will soon be packed dishes in newspapers, books thrown seashells in piles in boxes from appliances to take a course specifically so that they no nestalo.Komu would still like to unpack seashells again refrigerator, and TV from škatule.Mame therefore nechcelo.Do škatúľ škatúľ..ako can only recall, in boxes are basically nothing seashells nebalili.A We did not take škatule.Všetko We put in the pockets of the trousers, shirts and jackets. It was I think november.Chladno .. -Tak.Tu seashells we live Mama did not hide the joy of this, but I'm seashells afraid to call it miestom.Skôr seashells I was reminded of bad vtip.Stáli we then in November on pláži.Chladné weather, the sky was zatiahnutá.Zatiahnutá. That was also my tvár.Rovnako also faces two súrodencov.Len my mother did not hide her joy -Tu..tu..budeme Drought live .. I stated then prevailing expensive Yeah, right here we bývať.Nie it here at krásne.Domček sea .. Mom! Stop-it-I snapped Indeed there is no house .. Mom calmed down a bit when we catch a glimpse of our tváre.Boli zamračení.Od storm the beach was not daleko.Lenže mom nevzdala.Vytiahla us before nose the little bottle instead of keys. -Here You! Voltage is .. -First you a drink. -You Do not believe me? Sadly she said, when you're attracted seashells to each bottle-then seashells took me by the hand and I impulsively pulled the hand of his brother Erik who pulled Elle.Najmladšiu.Mama zastavila.Ukázala seashells the old lastúru.Tu we live. WE disbelief shook HEADS Mama, it's shell! But that was only so stupid? I do not know if I can talk about my mom ,, it is silly, but we do not know what to think about someone who draws us into a new dwelling while showing us shell. -LASTÚRA ...? -lastúra stoically said mama-what with it .. and at this point I calls to add that I have asked this question for both mother and for the conch. seashells Well tak..napite Mama drank her and suddenly was about as big as DEPARTED chewing gum in the sand. But we saw ju.Zodvihol eight fľaštičku.Mama bottom screaming that we finally napili.Dlho I hesitated, and obey its thin whistle and drink to sa.A or simply give loka and Elle and I Erikovi.Napil We walked into the shell. Mama said she's seashells here already omrknúť.Vnútro shells seashells were coated membránou.Pripomínalo it latex.Čierny latex.Už only charge studs and make the light tubes in front of a shell sign a "mess with Mom." The first week was severely shell-vtipný.V seashells was so little space that mom suggested that we conch space predelili.Tak a sip of such a small bottle and grown for two metre.Taká big woman, sorry, seashells man, it ran bola.Mama the highway, stop first auto.Vodič zastavil.A three hours came from IKEA that bought some curtains and cvoky.No zbohom.Už it really looked like in bordeli.Bordeli mamy.V at night, I wondered if I can not run it .. . I would secretly stole her magnification nápoj.Puklinou should I climbed on the night of pláž.Tou crack, which I've done in my "room" for less than a month of living in lastúre.Stratil I in that time panictvo.S sea pannou.Nežijú long .Morské panny.Narodia as tadpoles and swim often brehu.Do three days are great, but not príliš.Len also small fish with long red hair and golden scales, which are shining bright underwater dňa.Sedával am every morning before shelling and are expecting to their pannu.Hoci of technical terms longer a virgin nebola.Bola it deflorovaná sea panna.Pannou be unto death, even if the three hundred pretiahnutá.Sľúbila me that you will get the normal world full of people there somewhere. where I used bývať.Za month of it already, so to speak starena.Jej skin was still Brittle, sensual voňala.Nesmrdela for fish cakes as you might myslieť.Voňala for slobodou.Ako smells of freedom you have to remember. seashells Swam up to me exactly ten o'clock seashells in noci.Nemala hodinky.Panny hodinky.Majú olds do not have a feel for čas.Z human aspect could have perhaps fifty rokov.O week umrie.Dovtedy must bear out potomstvo.Nevyrodila.Ešte nie.Prišla to me. On breh.Všetko pripravil.Ukradol seashells I'm sure the bottles and crush the lastúru.Matku siblings and I dug into the muddy sand that oblizovali moist lips foam mora.Z time to čas.Každých ten minutes more výboj.RIPSloboda volá.Na back virgins I got to doku.Odtiaľ longer journey into the world nájdem.Dúfam Do you like the article? Ohviezdičkuj! Ohviezdičkuj! Ohviezdičkuj! Ohviezdičkuj! Ohviezdičkuj! 13 people this ohviezdičkovalo Zwejka, Joelina, Tatianka, Xelylin, Lilu, Jogurtovakultura, Midnightlady, Eliza707, Zimuška, seashells Saddath, Carowna and Silversun Comments on Article Ruli
Slobodou.Ako smelling seashells fragrance for freedom you have to remember. 6 react!
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