We had the task to bring a learning design for our teaching. kohler We chose to base centicuben, a learning tool that most people kohler know from the Danish public school mathematics teaching.
WHAT IS A CENTICUBE? Centicubens properties found in form and aesthetic design. It represents 1 cm ^ 3 and weighs 1g They have different colors and can be clicked together and taken apart again. The shape is therefore directly linked to the learning kohler content when a centicubes kohler values all expressed through its physical form. In addition, the cube has no superfluous kohler functions that may mislead the user.
CENTICUBEN AS LEARNING TOOLS A each object gets only its identity and, when applied to a personal understanding, and therefore centicuben only a learning tool when the user assigns it a function and define its purpose. Because the object is first awakened in the interaction is centicuben and user interdependent f or the emergence of a learning kohler space between the two. User and product can learn something together, but have no learning function separately.
Thus arises the basic elements of learning in the knowledge of the design features and characteristics. Only by understanding the physical aspects of centicuben it can be used in mathematical context. kohler Therefore, the context of great importance if we are to occur between user learning and learning design.
Sitting user home and building / playing kohler with centicubes without a proper understanding of them will not necessarily cause learning. If, however, sitting in a teaching situation, and the teacher makes an assignment kohler where m an'll need centicubes, put it up learning kohler one since it has a fixed target and is about to reflektereover how you will be easy through the use of cubes.
LEARNING CULTURE ersigende for the Danish culture that learning must be tangible, "fun with play". Centicuben are based on children playing with lego from childhood, creating a happy association with the pupil, which is an effective motivator for learning, and an essential part of the Danish culture kohler of learning. Centicuben is therefore an expression of learning theory, which is about learning through sensory impressions and good associations. kohler
Cube serves as a communication tool that allows the teacher to express the abstract in mathematics as something physical / tangible. At the same time it is also a tool that can enable students to learn from each other. It can be challenging to express themselves clearly, but with cubes can "build" what you want to formulate and thus make it more concrete kohler and easier to understand.
LEARNING STAGES learning process and the process of interaction between kohler the user and the design can be divided into certain stages. Motivation phase: We have mentioned before that centicubens form in itself provides a framework for the symbolic systems that arise in the interaction between user and design, built on mathematical grounds. kohler What it can not do is first of all to give the student knowledge of the system. Here it is necessary with a third party (for example, teaches.) To catalyze the motivation for why the student is able to reflect and gain knowledge through the material. The motivation for play can not stand alone as a learning factor. Student confidence in our capabilities is enhanced when the cube (as mentioned earlier) is often recognizable and therefore an excellent foundation to build knowledge. Model Development phase: The student builds and creates structures in micro format and gives it a knowledge of a system kohler that applies in other contexts. Will the student the task of making kohler a box of 5 cm ^ 3, it will try to use his knowledge in action, which has been previously arranged by the teacher. If this were not, and the proportions are skewed, the student must begin to reflect on what else can be done, and through trial-and-error until the task is solved. Later, kohler the student will be able to reflect kohler on his reflection kohler in action (what did I do right?), And use this this as knowledge-in-action for the next task. The formalization phase / formulation phase: The student now has a knowledge of centicubens properties, both through teacher communication and personal experience. Therefore, the student can now begin to develop its own system of mathematics. The student kohler must make a column of 10 cubes, he / she put two x5 rods together, rather than putting kohler them on one of (1, 2, 3, 4 ...). Transfer Phase: One of centicubens main characteristics is mathematics built timeliness principle. Now the student can test his own system and its own 'rules' for the rest of the world of mathematics
WIDER PERSPECTIVE For further reflection, we can ask ourselves about the program Cube Construction, working with digital cubes by the user in 3D format can build, is an equally good or more effective learning tool. What are the advantages and disadvantages arising from digitization? While it removes any real physical interaction, so include it anyway it three-dimension
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