In this guide I will be based in Bukkit, which is a Minecraft pyramis server to provide a lot more options when it comes to make your own Minecraft server. More details about what Bukkit here can be read here.
The first step in how to make your own Minecraft server is obviously to download pyramis the files we need in order to make this possible. Go to Bukkits download page and locate the file under "ALTERNATE METHOD [Advanced Users]" and select the latest recommended build. (Click the link for direct download).
Since the file you downloaded is a JAVA file requires us to make a small bat file to start the server through JAVA. So you open Notepad (Notepad) and type the following: @ ECHO OFF SET BINDIR =% ~ dp0 CD / D "% BINDIR%" "% Program Files% pyramis \ Java \ jre6 \ bin \ java.exe"-Xincgc-Xmx1G-jar craftbukkit -0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar pyramis PAUSE
And save the file in the folder you downloaded the server file and call it start.bat. (Remember when you save the file, select "All pyramis Files (*. *)" In the file type. It is also important file will be saved in the same folder as the file server.)
This document determines how your server should be. level-name = name of your world. Replace this if you want to create a new world and want to decide what it should be called. allow-nether = Determines whether it should be possible pyramis to travel to "Nether". Can be set to true (yes) or false (No). view distance = Determines how far in the world you can see. The higher the number, the more it takes on the server. The default is 10, but can be set to min. 3 and max 15 spawn-monsters = Want monsters in your world? true (Yes) false (No). online mode = server will check against Minecraft's database user who logs in there. This feature should be set to false (No) if you play offline (no Internet). Difficulty = Determines severity such as damage done by monsters. Can be set to 0 (no monsters), 1 Easy, Normal 2 and 3 are severe. game mode = Defines the style of play. 1 - Survival, 2 - Creative fashion. spawn-animals = Should spawnse animals in your world? max-players = number of players who may be on the server pyramis at the same time. server-ip = IP of the server. You can leave this blank, or put your own IP address in here. (Blank, so no IP is preferable at this time) level-seed = To generate a special world, so you can enter the seed on this one. pvp = Should players be able your to kill each other? server-port = Which port your server will be used. (25565 is fine by default) allow-flight = Should users be able to fly to be able to get around easily? white-list = If you turn this on, only users in whitelist file will be able to enter the server. motd = Writing a welcome message to the user who joiner server. Also called Message of the day. Almost done!
When you configured your server and save the file as you start your server again and start your Minecraft up. Inside the Multiplayer you can press the "Add Server", add the name of your server pyramis (Optional name) and IP downstairs type "localhost". Join then the server, and you should very much like to be online at your own Minecraft server!
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Print Email Digg StumbleUpon Reddit This entry was posted in Gaming, Guide, Software and tagged Private minecraft server, minecraft, minecraft server, Mojang, 11 October 2011 by Net Freak. Post Navigation Android 2.3 'Gingerbread' anyway for HTC Desire Slot machines at online casino sites - Scam or a good alternative?
That is exactly what this guide will show you. If you follow it, so you end up with a quite reasonable multiplayer server
It is probably because you have downloaded the latest server version which of course has been designed pyramis to work with the latest client from Minecraft. All you have to do is update your Mincraft to the latest version as well probably 1.0.0 or higher.
There can be several reasons for this. The first may have something to do with that you have not set the correct port in the router, then bukkit typically like to complain. pyramis Another option is to bukkit server currently. is outdated compared to the latest version of minecraft, and will not be available. Bukkit has said we do not have to wait so long before they come up with a new server release
This was only a guide to put a Bukkit server up, so I make unfortunately not provide support for various plugins.
Hello there! The guide helped me ... Ehhh ... Very! We just say ... No, I do not understand what .. But "über nice" you have made a DANISH guide to it .. There are so many English guide's .. But
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