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Comment by Kaloyan Staikov how to make yourself cry the weekly online newsletter of the Institute for Market Economics, says that even in the chaos there is order, but it seems that the government wants to Bulgaria in the chaos of electricity how to make yourself cry to create a new chaos. Among the many plans and decisions with divergent effects from the beginning how to make yourself cry of their term, including the next restart of the project for NPP "Belene", on 12 December an agreement was signed between the Bulgarian Energy Holding and the U.S. "Westinghouse" for carrying out preliminary work to harmonize the technical and financial and economic parameters for the seventh of NPP "Kozloduy". This agreement precedes: - The failed discuss the overall need for new facilities amid its production capacity how to make yourself cry at the moment;-selecting the most effective plant - NPP, TPP coal, gas central heating, cogeneration, renewable energy, etc. -Announcing competition and collecting bids for the construction of candidates with clear information about the source of funding. Currently it is not clear what the new capacity is needed; was not clear whether it will extend the life of V and VI of NPP "Kozloduy" is not clear whether the "Belene" NPP will be built and talk about building more one of NPP "Kozloduy". how to make yourself cry A construction of any new power means higher electricity prices, how to make yourself cry unless it can be balanced with power consumption lower price. However, this is difficult to achieve because the low prices at which the NPP "Kozloduy" and "Maritsa Iztok" 2 sold on the regulated market worsen their financial situation. Except that the unwise building is harmful to the overall economy, it is contrary to Art. 2, para. 1, item 4 of the Energy Act, which states that "the main objectives of this Act are to create conditions for energy supply at minimum cost." And after all of the above are unknown how to make yourself cry clarified that the choice of the company that will build new facilities to become unilaterally by the government because it always remains - not groundless in the Bulgarian case - suspected abuse. Is it normal to have a law on public procurement with a comprehensive list of products and services that are the subject of such contracts, but when it was decided to build production facilities worth billions of Euro that take place without any transparency?
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To comment [# 1] by "ajsayder": At the risk of becoming how to make yourself cry boring, I'll write it again. how to make yourself cry If Ivan Kostov and AlBozh were privatized how to make yourself cry 4000 enterprises from other sectors now BAND drain state pot would be distributed evenly across sectors and there would be all without anyone how to make yourself cry nailing particular eyes. But as a state, quasi-state and also secured from users leaving only energy in December as there bluzhdaeshi Bees knocking the devil while flies swarmed all there ... Valio warm AK R. Ovch, hydraulic how to make yourself cry engineer Ahmed Dogan, Krasu Frontier, Bogomil Manchev, Hristo Kovachky Nikolay Vulkanov Multigrupski Krasimir Uzunov - those I remember Odman and onwards are small dodgers in the face of 150-180 MP's current and previous two national assemblies, and a whole swarm of officials from NEC , BEH, ESO, etc., placed on kakichkite (demek users) along big sisters
And what we want to become an energy hub for the nation as a current is expensive than it exported abroad. Better to copula cheaper than we as donors and komunderite to do goiter on our backs!
To comment [# 5] of "blue rose": As someone closely seen how things will tell you how stands the work backwards. There's a 5,000 people in the country whose livelihoods solely how to make yourself cry to suck from the public pot. 4000 in Sofia, 1000 are in the province. As you go from 20 years 8 hours of work, so they take a shower in the morning, drink your coffee and begin to rotate phones at 8 and 16 hours a day where what state is left more to steal, cutting scrap goals logging, input and output by state-owned companies, sales compensation vouchers procurement Us entered the winner. Among other things, have sufficient resources to "give direction" of things how to make yourself cry at the right time. If anything is left from this wave neoposkano Moroccan locusts, it is only because you have not been & q
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