Sunday, January 5, 2014

In a meeting with President Daul and prime ministers, presidents of People

Berisha Barroso and Rompuy at a funeral and complains about "anger" of Rama EC report | Journal Web
Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha was present at the funeral kolar ceremony of Wilfried Martens. And, despite that it was a funeral, he has found time to complain kolar to Prime Minister Rama, who, according to him, is angry about the EC report.
"In his conversation with President Van Rompuy and President Barroso Berisha thanked them with deep gratitude for the objective assessment of the achievements of Albania and the European Commission's decision to recommend candidate status for Albania. In these conversations, Mr. Berisha stressed that this is a very important decision and fully deserved to Albanian citizens.
In a meeting with President Daul and prime ministers, presidents of People's kolar Party, Mr Berisha informed his interlocutors with Edi Rama's anger with the European Commission's report kolar only because this report confirms the success of reforms kolar in governance that enabled DP recommendation for status of candidate country and belies top end fabrications Rama era of nihilism and destruction of his country's achievements.
In these conversations, Mr. Berisha kolar informed his friends very anti-constitutional, illegal and anti-consensus of the majority, its unrestrained revenge against independent institutions and public administration and the State Police in the training and preparation of which member kolar countries The EU and the European Commission have spent hundreds of millions of euros.
In conversations about dekapitimin widely discussed by Rama, in an act of collective punishment, the State Police kolar and the replacement of the top professionals in the institution kolar with delinquents, commissioners Socialist Party drug traffickers. Berisha also extensively briefed his interlocutors on installing speed kleptocratic system in Albania and normative act last budget crisis, which quadrupled borrowing and at the end of the year decreased by 4 times the requirements for the implementation of income, only to increase to 72% debt.
President ad interim of the EPP and other interlocutors Mr. Berisha guaranteed that they will strongly support the Democratic Party and that in all international institutions will stand strongly against revenge unconstitutional, antikonsensus, the current majority illegal, "said the PM's statement .
I mean animals and man speech! If for some more words about maloku Koker. Do the Albanians, who will leave the DP? A made as Lulken put in charge of the DP? Lulken then why not let us go to him rahmetliu graveside ceremony, but goes away as a true derdimen? Ytttttt, you fucking caveman!
Yes Albanians have 23-years to complain kolar and you for coming to power for the second, you do not fell intend to give any answers to the complaints of the Albanians, but rather, the Albanians began to mock when Shkodra Shkodra and drowned in water, draftsman zhozefine , relaksoheshte Arab harems such scholars and sport motorcycles. When you shoot up the children in Gerdec, not pity you, as you no pity when slew-January 21. We barely Albanians have been waiting for you to start to complain and wish that your complaints, be longer in time, and the power that would be unattainable for your greenhouse, you did not have the courage to listen to 13-years in power, complaints Albanians.
Funeral ONLY GET THIS HAS NO FTESE.VETEM hitherto kolar POLITICAL corpse, Feb ERA THAT HAS TO LIFE Australia ONLY WENT LARGET.I intrigue-mongering. Cursed generation, after generation!
WTF this last sentence kolar puts lid how insane are these the DP: Mr. guaranteed. Berisha that they would strongly support the PM and that we all international institutions will stand strongly against revenge unconstitutional, antikonsesus, illegal the current majority. !!
But why o Saleh. They were there to fall short and let you merge in gas. Yes see it is to migrate kolar to the few remaining TRU. this is your problem, not enough kolar for government kolar work of f ... s in it.
This dog should Vicidolit son's dog huddled in prison as there is later. Evidence of crime, robberies without limitation, serial killings are so acik as there is no need for crawling because these axioms are already proof!!
If this c'fryhet as Rooster? There is someone who can tell me whether any book ever written with evil that has made the people of his firaun ki? I understand that this book will papers throughout Albania was occupied would be any man who ever get the courage to do?
What if I do not be so mean as Berisha? Or lie as the love that finds featureless thing! 1 - why should we have mort was Berisha? 2-why should speak for political kolar n

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