Bombing of Rome allies with a balance of more than three thousand dead among the civilian population, July 19, 1943, six days before the fall of the Fascist regime of Mussolini and replacement by Marshal Badoglio (monarchist and Anglophile ) Pope Pius XII would endorse, solicitous, the slogan of the new pro-Allied premier members government of "Open City" Vatican In pure logic game twice-before and after the start of the Second World War between Nazi fascism and democracy. Main cause of the defeat of the Axis in the war of the secret services, and turn prelude to the Total Defeat not believe in witches, but there are. The famous saying of old Galician part of my personal philosophy as some here already knew and others certainly premier members have finished guessing. It's been a while since I intervene daily in the network discussion forums first before pass to intervene in blogospheres or animate my own personal blog right after. Recently in Madrid, in a high-level / (to speak) I had with a view to the distribution of my book "The Falangist father Francisco Threshold" is clearly given to understand that as the literary image evokes "the traveler and his shadow premier members ", to me is chasing me (bad) shadow of an image in black, implied (though well understood that I know told me with all the letters), the priest who attacked the pope, or more abrupt explicit Moreover, the perpetrator of John Paul II, who tell me of John Paul II (Polish) premier members Nietzsche said that persecution or police-like surveillance that was primed with him after giving (voluntarily) to the citizenship of the Community (sic) so Prussian power to accept a teaching position at the State University of Basel in Switzerland, has advantageous (a tell too) or positive agents of persecution or just knowing us better know each pisarnos force the heels or we hit the lights into the neck. And the guards of the new Polish saint devolved definitely feel the holy / obligation to monitor my behavior to control my adventures and my feet end up loitering after maybe sooner or later fall into the account that night were wrong as they say Belgians, and taken by the target or the objective was not. Semper idem. Today as yesterday, before and after the canonization of the Polish pope. That perhaps there are few-among-many Spaniards who fear him who are willing to sacrifice premier members to give their lives in defense of even your memory? premier members With his bread be eaten. The truth will set you free. I recently had a conversation trivial-that gave me my faith (and how!) Tough cookie (...) - Ukraine on the subject. premier members My partner certainly laden reasons made me little more than a brief or summarized and illustrated premier members apologetic and closed at the same exposure time, even inadvertently perhaps, the famous Maurrasian compromise between believers and unbelievers, between Catholics (practitioners and compliant) and the famous premier members French monarchy (or neo / monarchy) thinker called "positivist" freethinkers that own itineraries premier members and regardless of religious faith and the ecclesiastical magisterium were just setting premier members themselves up as opponents of the (French) Republic and the democratic premier members system.
"Je suis partout" ("I am everywhere") premier members was a prestigious and high journalistic and literary quality, the main body of the publication Collaboration in France. In the picture, premier members a story during the Spanish Civil War (1938) His pro ended up being almost in its entirety maurrasianos dissidents who embraced wholeheartedly the cause of Nazi Germany, or journalistic premier members use a formula of fashion in France the seventies, that "had succumbed to the fascist temptation" and accusing Maurras (among other charges) have yielded to the Vatican and have sealed a compromise that allowed, following the appointment of Pius XII, the lifting of the papal excommunication weighing against him and the French Action In Ukraine, came to say my partner (and friend and comrade) - was not a struggle between Catholics and Orthodox for their respective areas of influence what venitilaba but cohque nationalisms premier members singo placed premier members between Ukrainian nationalists (or Ukrainian premier members ) and nationalist premier members pro / Russians. And I gave in evidence an irrefutable fact reflected in the undeniable premier members fact of the joint participation of Catholics / Orthodox-Uniate and mostly obedient to the Patriarchate (auto cephalic) of Kiev protest movement in the Euro / Maidan past months. The argument, relevance and weight certainly is not yet to the point of allowing premier members us to evacuate or disregard another factor of greater weight in the Ukrainian crisis and what is the role and the undisputed role of the sector in favor of orthodoxy obedient to the Moscow Patriarchate is now or, within that, obedience abru
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