Josrizal Zain, former Mayor Payakumbuh, which is known for successfully improving sanitation and hygiene problems of the city. Now he is running for the Democratic candidate in the constituency of West Sumatra. sitting on the toilet Tempo / Febriyanti.
Josrizal: If forced, I'll Quit 3S, way candidates Maman Maman Candidates Closer to Constituents sitting on the toilet studied Kyai Maman Abdurrahman, candidates Defender Ahmadiyah Binny Bintarti Candidates Compete with Ibas SBY
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Who does not know Josrizal Zain in Payakumbuh, Sumatara sitting on the toilet West. The former mayor who led Payakumbuh for ten years by citizens known as the "Mayor WC" and "Trash mayor". Make no mistake, this is not an insult. That title is in recognition of the success of men born in Bukittinggi sitting on the toilet in the last 64 years the care of sanitation and urban waste problem. During headed Josrizal, Payakumbuh has changed sitting on the toilet the face. When Josrizal took office, about 80 percent of homes in Payakumbuh not have a decent bathroom. "There are still many people who waste water directly into the river or into the interspace (garden)," said Josrizal. The number of toilets in schools is very limited, an average of one unit used 500 pupils. The face of this dismal sanitation has changed completely. When Josrizal left office in 2012, staying home without WC 20 percent. At school, the amount of WC doubled up with a ratio of one toilet for 30-50 students. sitting on the toilet Josrizal also popularized the movement Garbage Bank. Be a load of garbage that the city government had been transformed into a source of incomes of the population. Trash containers are sorted into four: organic waste, paper organic, inorganic plastic or bottle, as well as hazardous sitting on the toilet waste and toxic. Plastic waste, for example, immediately sold. The wet waste is processed sitting on the toilet into compost. To be effective, Garbage Bank outposts is provided in every village, schools, and markets. Towards stepped down from the post of mayor, Josrizal say goodbye and apologize to its citizens. He traveled to every village. When saying goodbye, a number of public figures Payakumbuh encourage Josrizal sitting on the toilet to take part in the national stage. One of them via the legislature. Initially, sitting on the toilet half-heartedly admitted Josrizal be candidates for the legislature. "Ten years so it is sufficient sitting on the toilet mayor," said the father of five children. But his resolve strengthened sitting on the toilet after pushing more and more parties. He said, "I'm ready to fight." Now he became a candidate for the Democratic legislators sitting in parliament. When later elected to the House of Representatives, promised Josrizal maximize oversight over the implementation of government policy. "I want the government sitting on the toilet policy sitting on the toilet in favor of the basic needs of the community," he said. He also rejected if a member of the Council must fund the party. "If I had to find a project for deposit to the party, since now I do not have to be candidates only." Similarly, if Josrizal must be confronted with a difficult decision: the party concerned or constituents. "If forced too, I'll get out. I will not compromise." TEMPO TEAM | ALI NY hottest topics: sitting on the toilet MH370 | Campaign 2014 | Jokowi | Prabowo | mudflow other most popular news: Entrepreneurs Who RI Saweran with Bill Gates? Indicted for Murder of 9 Month Baby Agnes Planning Problem Cuek Fashion
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