Monday, February 9, 2015

And yes, by

Where it is going, the Catholic Church? It is true that a part of the visible (the One Holy Church matki is immaculate in Viva and her spouse) is likely to suffer a 'mutation' or this has already occurred in spite of ourselves, and now we see only the effects? matki We are in time to fix it and how?
From supporters papist was raised yesterday faster than light voice Tornielli has to say against all "former papists' [sic] complaining that two years ago, defended Benedict XVI while today" bombard with sarcasm and sometimes contempt matki "[sic] Francesco.
We are in that time of repudiation of reason than that of faith, widely heralded by Chesterton: "... Fires will be fanned to testify that two plus two equals four. Unsheathed swords will be to show that the leaves are green in the summer ... "And - we might add - small suburban blog will be mobilized to remember that you are loyal to the Pope because Catholics, not vice versa. This is not our opinion but his that than to say "feed my sheep," he added, "and you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." matki
The bare chronicle of the pontificate bergogliano is more than enough to recognize how that repentance is so urgently needed to "confirm" the brothers. Peter and his successors are custodians of the deposit of faith, with all the responsibility on the entire flock.
In a normal church, the priorities are 'ab intra "(properly administer the sacraments, teach well the right doctrine, spiritual guidance souls), not the activity" ad extra "(ecumenical dialogues and peace marches, prayers syncretistic, observers laboratories and reception, school camps and listening centers, collegiality virtually institutionalized, interviews with rivers and pastoral media, ministry of tourism and sports, games interfaith, matki etc.). In a normal Church does not animate a sophist fans coming to evoke the each of Pius XII: different matki story and misunderstandings piloted know by whom.
In a normal matki church, vocations are not hampered and aborted due to legitimate preferences on the liturgy (Case FI) and not allow themselves to heed the requests matki and the spiritual needs of the faithful. Church in a normal action is not taken on the bishops who were willing to accept the exiles from the original charism of his own Order brutalized.
In a normal church, one is Catholic by virtue of what personally professes and lives as the sacraments, matki not for belonging to some supporters papist, not for activism ecclesiastical, not by the number of times that a few slips in speech big word jargon Catholic fashion at the time, not for the money or the effort that invests for his movement or his appearance favorite. In a normal church, those who say nonsense is not to punish but to applaud: the more so when it comes to members of the clergy or prominent people.
In a normal church, ecclesiastical career depends orthodoxy, from the duties of the state, the sanctity of life, not by automatic curial merits matki or menial (how many caps cardinals, red for the readiness for martyrdom, are in practice as well as in theory? And a veil on than they were in defense or in communion of intent with Benedict XVI)
In a normal Church does not come from the Church who is in his past, comes out who invents a new Christianity. Return to the past is not closed to nine, (the new ways to rediscover and deepen the truth) but in nova (new things that subvert).
In a normal Church Tradition is not the stuff of museum, but life and eternal youth, which is genuine progress towards the end which is oriented; progress in its correct meaning matki and not by an ideological vision.
In a normal church orthodoxy is not considered "a metaphysical violence" that leads to the replacement of the primacy of the doctrine with that of practice and therefore knowledge of the action.
In a normal the true Church is true and false is false; Church in a normal good is good and evil is evil; In a normal Church heretics are condemned and not promoted in the various pontifical councils; In a normal church, the pope defends the Catholics and is attacked by the enemies of the Church; In a Church norlmale the Pope is Catholic and believes in a Catholic God; In a normal church is only a pope. August 23, 2014 08:48 Anonymous said ...
And yes, by "some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." The Church "by updating" did not find new ways to offer the truth of it is always smottata to the world, and for convenience or to avoid displeasing the world now is silent on its mission and tries to say banality pastoral to not offend. This hug is

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