Beattles help. Nothing is gonna change my world! Los Hermanos is also nothing bad. Who is more sentimental than me? Arcade Fire comes me remember something that really matters to me ... They say They Know They only know me but my name. And deep down I hear the guys from Blur screaming all the lungs which can not be forgotten. When the days They seem to fall through you. Just let THEM go. And on my side, as if nothing was nothing. David Bowie mutters: Even a glass eye in a duck's ass can see that. And after that nothing is clear. The point of Volver tell me something amazing. Go with God or a flying saucer. I'm a paper boat, you encounter ends where my pain ... And then, when everyone is already going away. Michael Jackson makes his entrance in the hall breaking the glass ceiling. Beat it! Beat it! And everyone running around, forming a wheel. Full of smiles and hugs. Sigur Rós And who was watching talking with Björk and rises gently pura vida bracelets intones his nervous verses: Bjartar Vonir Rætast Er Við Göngum Bæinn Brosum Hlæjum Glaðir Vinátta Og Og Þreyta Mætast Holdum Upp Á Daginn Og Fögnum Tveggja Ara Bid Fjarlægur Draumur Fæðist bordum Og Drekkum Saddir Og Borgum fyrir Okkur Med Því No Við Eigum Í Dag Setjumst Niður Spenntir Hlustum Á Í takt Sjálfa Okkur SLA tónlistina við Thad Virðist Enginn Hlusta Þetta Er Allt Öðruvísi Við Lifðum Í Öðrum Heimi Thar No Vorum Aldrei Ósýnileg Nokkrum doğum Sidar Við Tolum Saman NY En Var Hljóðið Ekki Gott Við Vorum Sammála A Thad Sammála A Flesta Hluti Við Munum Gera Betur Næst Þetta Er Ágætis Byrjun And makes me want to cry. True that it comes from a place in your breast that you never knew existed. Happy to see that happen. And bye :)
Reads degree in advertising and journalism have withdrawn from the fault of Lula. Works with production of advertising videos, short films and documentaries. Believe in God and men. Apologizes easily. Like wine. Its favorite color is yellow-old. Is allergic to bee stings. Write what you see, remember and imagine. In different portions. View my complete profile
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