Toilet dirty mosque? | Mohd Roslan Abdul Ghani
Not only in villages and remote areas, the bathrooms and ablution area in the house God is seen less well maintained even in locations that become the focus of the crowd.
Mega Review Utusan Malaysia was found in several locations, problems also occur like; clogged toilets, broken and dirty toilet bowl, the pump does not work, the toilet is broken and mossy floor, ceiling bersawang and clogged sinks.
The problem is getting to be a question mark has been raised to a higher level. Despite numerous campaigns and programs, but the problem is seasonal figuratively endless.
Things appear to have taken note that is also said to affect the identity and image of Islam to non-Muslims who consider Islam a religion that emphasizes cleanliness.
Chairman of the Madrasah al-Khairiat, Salak Park City, BOTTOM Misron Misbah said, in contrast to other religious believers, concerns and sensitivities of Muslims against perceived hygiene still at a less than satisfactory.
"The conclusion that can be drawn easily to a religion is based on a house of worship. This is because, in general everything possible to assess and describe the believer is to look at the synagogue.
"This is also seen as a barrier as well as to discredit non-Muslim who knows Islam's emphasis on cleanliness for wanting to convert to Islam," he said.
So he said, traditions of the Prophet means; "Allah is clean and loves cleanliness", should be incorporated in the soul of every Muslim, not only expressed in the lip.
"Generally human nature that loves to clean. Remarkably for Muslims is exposed to the principles of hygiene hygiene since childhood and is a religious obligation.
Meanwhile, Secretary of Committee Members (AJK) Masjid al-Aqram, Jalan Datuk Keramat, Abdul Hamid Mat Isa said the mentality to put the responsibility of looking after the cleanliness of the mosque and toilets to the mosque or surau committee members toilet repair have changed from thinking society.
"With siak tok mostly elderly, coupled with the vast mosque environment can not run every day, in addition to the mosque is visited by pilgrims each prayer.
"If toilet repair the question of wages, the number of highly wages paid to them. If the mosque may have an allowance from the government, but in prayer expecting proceeds fund mosques, "he said.
For Siak Surau Al-Ikhlasiah, Keramat Jaya, Hashim Yaacob said, cleanliness and comfort really is one strategy in getting people to reach out to the synagogue in psychology. Function as rest and recreation (R & R) on the highway, prayer plays a role as an attraction.
"The same approach can be used to attract people toilet repair to visit the mosque and the mosque. In addition to ensure toilet repair absorption of worship, environment and clean toilets regularly attracts pilgrims to visit the mosque for the area that gives peace, "he said.
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1 القرآن الكريم - سورة الفاتحة 2 - سورة البقرة 3 - سورة آل عمران 4 - سورة النساء 5 - سورة المائدة 6 - سورة الأنعام 7 - سورة الأعراف 8 - سورة الأنفال 9 - سورة التوبة 10 - سورة يونس 11 - سورة هود 12 - سورة يوسف 13 - سورة الرعد 14 - سورة إبراهيم 15 - سورة الحجر 16 - سورة النحل 17 - سورة الإسراء 18 - سورة الكهف 19 - سورة مريم 20 - سورة طه سورة الأنبياء - 21 22 - سورة الحج 23 - سورة المؤمنون سورة النور - 24 سورة الفرقان - 25 سورة الشعراء - سورة النمل 26 - 27 28 - سورة القصص سورة العنكبوت toilet repair - سورة الروم 29 - 30 31 - سورة لقمان سورة السجدة - 32 سورة الأحزاب - سورة سبأ 33 - 34 35 - سورة فاطر 36 - سورة يس سورة الصافات - سورة ص 37 - 38 39 - سورة الزمر سورة غافر - سورة فصلت 40 - 41 سورة الشورى - سورة الزخرف 42 - 43 سورة الدخان - سورة الجاثية 44 - 45 سورة الأحقاف - 46 سورة محمد - سورة الفتح 47 - 48 سورة الحجرات toilet repair - 49 سورة ق - 50 سورة الذاريات - سورة الطور 51 - 52 سورة النجم - سورة القمر 53 - 54 سورة الرحمن toilet repair - سورة الواقعة 55 - 56 سورة الحديد - سورة المجادلة 57 - 58 سورة الحشر - سورة الممتحنة 59 - 60 سورة الصف - سورة الجمعة 61 - 62 سورة المنافقون - سورة التغابن 63 - 64 سورة الطلاق - سورة التحريم 65 - 66 سورة الملك - سورة القلم 67 - 68 سورة الحاقة & #
Not only in villages and remote areas, the bathrooms and ablution area in the house God is seen less well maintained even in locations that become the focus of the crowd.
Mega Review Utusan Malaysia was found in several locations, problems also occur like; clogged toilets, broken and dirty toilet bowl, the pump does not work, the toilet is broken and mossy floor, ceiling bersawang and clogged sinks.
The problem is getting to be a question mark has been raised to a higher level. Despite numerous campaigns and programs, but the problem is seasonal figuratively endless.
Things appear to have taken note that is also said to affect the identity and image of Islam to non-Muslims who consider Islam a religion that emphasizes cleanliness.
Chairman of the Madrasah al-Khairiat, Salak Park City, BOTTOM Misron Misbah said, in contrast to other religious believers, concerns and sensitivities of Muslims against perceived hygiene still at a less than satisfactory.
"The conclusion that can be drawn easily to a religion is based on a house of worship. This is because, in general everything possible to assess and describe the believer is to look at the synagogue.
"This is also seen as a barrier as well as to discredit non-Muslim who knows Islam's emphasis on cleanliness for wanting to convert to Islam," he said.
So he said, traditions of the Prophet means; "Allah is clean and loves cleanliness", should be incorporated in the soul of every Muslim, not only expressed in the lip.
"Generally human nature that loves to clean. Remarkably for Muslims is exposed to the principles of hygiene hygiene since childhood and is a religious obligation.
Meanwhile, Secretary of Committee Members (AJK) Masjid al-Aqram, Jalan Datuk Keramat, Abdul Hamid Mat Isa said the mentality to put the responsibility of looking after the cleanliness of the mosque and toilets to the mosque or surau committee members toilet repair have changed from thinking society.
"With siak tok mostly elderly, coupled with the vast mosque environment can not run every day, in addition to the mosque is visited by pilgrims each prayer.
"If toilet repair the question of wages, the number of highly wages paid to them. If the mosque may have an allowance from the government, but in prayer expecting proceeds fund mosques, "he said.
For Siak Surau Al-Ikhlasiah, Keramat Jaya, Hashim Yaacob said, cleanliness and comfort really is one strategy in getting people to reach out to the synagogue in psychology. Function as rest and recreation (R & R) on the highway, prayer plays a role as an attraction.
"The same approach can be used to attract people toilet repair to visit the mosque and the mosque. In addition to ensure toilet repair absorption of worship, environment and clean toilets regularly attracts pilgrims to visit the mosque for the area that gives peace, "he said.
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1 القرآن الكريم - سورة الفاتحة 2 - سورة البقرة 3 - سورة آل عمران 4 - سورة النساء 5 - سورة المائدة 6 - سورة الأنعام 7 - سورة الأعراف 8 - سورة الأنفال 9 - سورة التوبة 10 - سورة يونس 11 - سورة هود 12 - سورة يوسف 13 - سورة الرعد 14 - سورة إبراهيم 15 - سورة الحجر 16 - سورة النحل 17 - سورة الإسراء 18 - سورة الكهف 19 - سورة مريم 20 - سورة طه سورة الأنبياء - 21 22 - سورة الحج 23 - سورة المؤمنون سورة النور - 24 سورة الفرقان - 25 سورة الشعراء - سورة النمل 26 - 27 28 - سورة القصص سورة العنكبوت toilet repair - سورة الروم 29 - 30 31 - سورة لقمان سورة السجدة - 32 سورة الأحزاب - سورة سبأ 33 - 34 35 - سورة فاطر 36 - سورة يس سورة الصافات - سورة ص 37 - 38 39 - سورة الزمر سورة غافر - سورة فصلت 40 - 41 سورة الشورى - سورة الزخرف 42 - 43 سورة الدخان - سورة الجاثية 44 - 45 سورة الأحقاف - 46 سورة محمد - سورة الفتح 47 - 48 سورة الحجرات toilet repair - 49 سورة ق - 50 سورة الذاريات - سورة الطور 51 - 52 سورة النجم - سورة القمر 53 - 54 سورة الرحمن toilet repair - سورة الواقعة 55 - 56 سورة الحديد - سورة المجادلة 57 - 58 سورة الحشر - سورة الممتحنة 59 - 60 سورة الصف - سورة الجمعة 61 - 62 سورة المنافقون - سورة التغابن 63 - 64 سورة الطلاق - سورة التحريم 65 - 66 سورة الملك - سورة القلم 67 - 68 سورة الحاقة & #
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