You are the child reaches the age of 2 years? When the child reaches the age of 2 years, to Toilet Training Potty Training @ is a great challenge for couples and parents. It requires a very high HI, prakstis a CONSISTENT @ steadfast, how to CONFIDENCE against the capabilities of the & CO of the couple. Here is a technique that can be practiced by us as parents and caregivers.
Our first mission is to awaken the child, that there is a "process" how to that is taking place in the excretory. The technique is; Not putting on a diaper all day. When he ter-pee for the first time in his pants, the reaction you might receive is: see the shocked expression on her face, or scream your call because his pants were wet, or may run to the toilet while berciciran "water" along the way.
Ha .. that's why, all the carpet and mat must be rolled first. So, it'll be easier for us to clean the filth. And make sure you do not show the face of anger, how to sadness or despair, to her when she ter-kucil outside toilet. In fact, this is a HUGE opportunity to teach; how to when the feeling to urinate, how to go to the toilet. Give a smile and encouragement to him, and show that you are confident in his ability.
When your child was "aware" how to of this process (although you have to wipe kotoranya several times), he will learn FASTER and easily trained to use the restroom. And believe me, you have been a step towards success!
Set the time, such as every 15 minutes, get your child to the toilet to urinate. To stimulate urination occurs, invite children cangkung air, wet genitals with water or make sounds like "shhh ...". If you find that 15 minutes is too short a period for your child, then you can panjangkannya how to towards 20 minutes or 30 minutes. But after extended period, your child finally how to made his ter-kucil outside toilet, then cut back the time.
Although he did not want to waste any time being in the toilet, does not matter. Teach children how to clean his cock and take this opportunity to teach children the ethics to the toilet. Read the prayer before going to the toilet, the toilet in the left foot, wearing slippers in the toilet, out the toilet with the right foot and others.
Do this technique with a cheerful and happy atmosphere. Avoid coercion or raised his voice invites how to children to the toilet. how to This activity may be a bit tiring, how to but believe in you, that if you remain patient and steadfast prayer, then your child will be successful FAST.
Kids really liked the reward. They will feel more excited to do something if there is a reward. The rewards for potty training should be given every child "trying" to go to the toilet (whether you have a crease, or he went himself to the toilet).
Try to observe exactly, that I highlight here is the right reward for undertaking, not to yield. It is not easy for our children to master a skill. Therefore, we as parents should appreciate his efforts, despite efforts do not yield results. More awards are given for effort, then FASTER is a fruitful outcome.
The reward element that always practiced in different parts of the world is by affixing stickers (stickers) star success. Make a schedule of potty training her colorful. Paste the wall, and put it in the headline, "SUCCESSFUL!" (Example: how to Ammar LUCK!!).
Rest assured, with high HI, prakstis a CONSISTENT, to the ability of children CONFIDENCE, CO of the couple and prolonged DOA, you and your child will make it through this training FASTER than the prescribed period.
Extra material how to that parents may need are: PALM MINI WATERPROOF SHEET PROTECTOR To Teach children do not wear diapers to sleep but fear 'ngompol' kt mattress? The key to success is consistency in potty training. This means that children are taught not to wear diapers day and night, including during sleep. As a precaution, all know, this boys if it's too scared to sleep on a mattress isolated .. Naya will want to wash and dry the mattress is thick and heavy that! Never wanted how to to wear je feebrezz right?!
Prevent isolated situation in the middle tonight before it's too late. Alaskan Sheet Protector with mattresses. Confident children want free diapers, parents do not have to hang it up mattress how to confident. Suitable also for adult use: fear of menstruation or childbirth leak or for seniors More info here
Welcome to my website. I am a mother of two lovely kids, and a wife. I am just an ordinary woman with bi
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