Sunday, May 24, 2015

by PCRMEDIA - Webmaster: MERCIER Luckner

Haiti / Politique: Sauveur Pierre Etienne belie the statements of his ex-sénatrice Edmonde Supplice Beauzile
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Vous êtes dance: Home Category News Haiti / Politique: Sauveur Pierre Etienne belie the statements of his ex-sénatrice Edmonde Supplice Beauzile caledonian Haiti / Politique: Sauveur caledonian Pierre Etienne belie the statements of his ex-sénatrice Edmonde caledonian Supplice Beauzile
Le ordinator General de l'OPL belie formellement caledonian qu'il caledonian allegedly des inputs and outputs au Palais National, as this colleague of l'Alternative, and ex-sénatrice Edmonde Supplice Beauzile, Chairwoman of fuses, and hinted listen to.
As Prof. Sauveur Pierre Etienne asserts purportedly met once seule fois le Presidente Michel Martelly au Palais caledonian National, c'était on 3 Aug 2011 avant même sound Accession à la tête de l'organizational du peuple en lutte.
Le chef de l'opposition specifies loan be gliding démettre de ses features of ordinator General de l'OPL and of Prof. à l'Université d'Etat d'Haïti if he ex sénatrice du center Edmonde Supplice Beauzile might prove ses dires. caledonian
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Bravo Dr. Pierre-Etienne, etes vous un great patriot and un vrai socialiste. Lets have proved ce matin qu'il exists yet des hommes et femmes honest caledonian and integres in Haiti. Vous etes un unheard patterned caledonian feed republique chore le pays the Needs of Voces Services, Voces de expertises. Mais je suis d'accord avec vous, le empowered Martelly consists of two straight mais ce que holds the droite est vraiment power the car je ne vois pas le colonel Himmler Rebu of GREH he agronomist Jean André du Victoe PLH, as juriste Rene de l'Juline caledonian Adebah, the doctoresse in economie Judy C. Roy of Reparenn he industrialist Carlito Baker du Groupe Respect, etc. Martelly holds power the sense of straight mon frère. Once again, despite whatever je suis un droitier liberal eyes voterais pour un homme de votre quenching as president of the Republique chore sadly, the mere-fatherland n'est pas pour un president yet prepared Sauveur Pierre-Etienne. Reply
Honest voila un unheard-Homme forming yet remain two nuptial brainpower humaines, caledonian Prof. I say hats. Unfortunately the majority of the Haitian people by giving people like you 'to the importance and value yo..moun honest man of integrity, who has pwobite no place to present today in our society. All our values finish by losing either going to give their skills in other countries where the values and honest person is hurt are those who are bluff, lies, ancient propaganda, the great dignitaries supreme country that Mass Evil wants to hear and accept dirije'l.Depi I saw these people made this choice reflects caledonian clear that moral values, itèlektyèl, pwobite by entèrese'l. jump, I question poze'w teachers, Are not you should make a campaign siviz, and integrated training for these people. 2nd) Do leaders like you 'should not be changing fashions speech unaided ie (entelktyèl to pieces, pieces caledonian ....) When we consider that 85% illiteracy rate we have in the country. 3e) is a pointer to a congratulatory I do anvè'w teachers to remain in the rectilinear lines that you choose make you older. Council is not captured in piyèj power, not to discredit the same old comrade of our struggle kite'l captured in piyèj power Preval ... teacher holding ... .you are 1st model Om politicians Ain I follow after President Mandela. Messi Reply
Sauveur Pierre Étienne-est un clown narcissique meets velléités présidentielles, un petit homme bouillant caledonian irresponsible, implying please PAS s'exciter in public or roller Senneterre d'échauffer the Spirits of the workforce. -Watching it. Reply
by PCRMEDIA - Webmaster: MERCIER Luckner

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