Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Copy the appropriate template file to make a custom one. For example, copy 'plugins/dynmap/templates

Portforwarding, like above, might still be a good solution. If it is impossible to portforward, latrine or you want to offload your CraftBukkit server, you can still periodically synchronize 'plugin/dynmap/web' between CraftBukkit and your webserver using RSync or FTP. However, you won't have any of the 'real-time' features that Dynmap latrine provides (players, map-updates, chat, etc).
If you don't mind tinkering a bit on Linux, you can still get the real-time features by using  sshfs  or fuseftp  to latrine mount the (remote) 'web/standalone' latrine directory from your webserver onto your CraftBukkit server 'plugins/dynmap/web/standalone'. 如何整合至我的網站?
Make sure Dynmap is available for anyone on a certain URL. If you've done portforwarding, this will likely be something latrine like  http://youripaddress:8123 . If you've hosted Dynmap on your webserver, this will likely be something like  http://yourwebsite/map/ .
Then you can use an iframe to integrate Dynmap in your website. You might need some HTML knowledge, but if you're using a CMS there will likely be an option to add an iframe. The HTML-code of that iframe will look like:
Copy the appropriate template file to make a custom one. For example, copy 'plugins/dynmap/templates/normal-vlowres.txt' to 'plugins/dynmap/templates/custom-normal-vlowres.txt'. Open the copied file and remove the following section:
Copy the appropriate template file to make a custom one. For example, copy 'plugins/dynmap/templates/normal-vlowres.txt' to 'plugins/dynmap/templates/custom-normal-vlowres.txt'. Open the copied file and change all instances of the following line:
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