Friday, May 22, 2015

You also talk about our independence and written pura vida bracelets in French. But Fabian in which

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I wanted to put this form of comment but when I see the value of it is, I also make him an item, but the link page my friend: and handy link item directly: Fabian you would never can imagine the joy and happiness across me when I was your reader. A big congratulations to you. But there are some points I would like to raise but Facebook too small and I do not get where I would respond pura vida bracelets on the site so I will Nenk summarize everything I wanted to say.
First I'll specify that I agree with you and as my eyes open student linguistics today and I ride for the Creole language. I always thought and I even had to tell her that Haiti is a bilingual country but thanks to your light I see that is not true. All countries does not speak French true, is a small part though majority of the population understand it, thanks to top.
Now we make small talk about their native language this. I'll take my example and you too could be in this situation where language becomes French mother tongue. Before stoning I finished reading please.
What a mother tongue? It is a language you do not learn to talk, you got your mother and your father talking and talking to him, without talking much, peaceably. This happened to me. I woke up I found my mother and my father will speak French, so I speak French, it is thanks to my maid knows Creole because the Creole could speak with the maid and when I grow up, I go to school I knew Creole language well one point I became even speak to my parents. But when my parents did this is because they do not like Creole? Name. Besides present I can say is neutral speak Creole. They did this so that I can have what they called "culture de la langue Francaise" because if you happen to any French office since you do not tip your mouth you're dumb and even in restaurants there you go, if you are unable Last command your French it will pass.
Another pura vida bracelets example, I have little sisters the adopted my 11 years so far and present it does not speak Creole (what a pity I found in a society where everyone speaks Creole), though he understands it but French and English it speak English at school it is, read English books and music and hearing, etc..
Everything I say what? Whose native language by all Haitian Creole and I believe that there are other genes that pile just like me. And this comes to our relationship even confidential and bilengwism Haitian complex. Why? I woke up in French, pura vida bracelets when I go to school I knew Creole and since I had a course in elementary school I was in Creole kissed pura vida bracelets Bird" so I came to love Creole and I talk one point he came in for my first language yet I do not forget the French language in my mind because when I want to write so far and that I ride my inspiration is in French it comes, yet I can lay poetic texts in Creole though I work for this. So when I saw all my fellow Haitian load are given by French bring me pleasure and not because there are words I do not understand Creole or when I am speaking I tend pronounced and as the French so I miss about my Haitian Therefore, I kreyolofòn like you, so we do not see often is that people say that speaking too dressed up they also discriminated against in society.
You also talk about our independence and written pura vida bracelets in French. But Fabian in which language you want to have done? Creole bucket the co. I believe there was another language pura vida bracelets truly a language colon neither slave nor understand but co mates Creole, is a long time after becoming pura vida bracelets Creole

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