Sunday, December 8, 2013

Adyusha Darka Karavasha Grasshopper Fox Olyushka Savosya Snob Sherlock Yarik brainchild of children

Adyusha Darka Karavasha Grasshopper Fox Olyushka Savosya Snob Sherlock Yarik brainchild of children's questions kind scarf friendly PR journalism porridge from an ax we project our guys work needlewoman socionics mystery trinity american standard faucets pictures sharfikovaya I share
That no matter how much talked about the fact that adaptation to foster children - it's like postpartum depression, but still is not exactly what I think. I'm not advocating that "worn with priemnostyu" and write off all her problems (sometimes seeing them where they are not), but on the contrary - we are looking at all the difficulties children first "materialistic explanations", and deal with them in the same way as if they were children blood. But sometimes ... sometimes you clearly understand that it is difficult with this child because of his profound trauma. From the fact that once he was alone, for whatever reason, then went to hell institutions. And do not be about "good children's home," we have three - from Moscow DD model, but from his "goodness" only worse, because if looks all nice and well, deep indifference to the fate of children is not so noticeable. american standard faucets Here's a great example of Alisa - nobody understood the problems with memory, and only needed her training, slapped "mental retardation" and the 8th form, and spit all on where it will go and then this certificate, as will live , what to do. But Macs and PSP, and travel abroad, and clothes closet, and full service. And the really good teachers and the director who sincerely wish to find the children of the family. But I actually do not know. No matter how it is disguised indifference, no matter how well and sincerely not performed their duties educators and teachers, the child gets used to live alone. He does not wait for love and support, but nothing good from this life and not waiting for adults, and it's awful. That is, on the one hand in the family, he actively "get" the emotions, which he did not have all the previous american standard faucets life, and on the other hand - apparently it can go with the monstrous resistance rolls and despair - "he does not understand american standard faucets that the family better? least because here he has a future? like what words to explain this apparent when he struggled to resist, to bind, to love, to be loved, how he does not understand that you can not live without it? " And when a lot of children ... and when they are with an injury ... I do not know how it happens to babies who barely knew life in the institution. Probably easier than with older, who in those dungeons than one year has passed. But I'm pretty sure that echoes what the child at the time there was one - just unnatural! - Is still there. And one of the kids will get out quickly, and for some the very first days, weeks and months will be eternal pain of loneliness, even if on a conscious american standard faucets level, he does not remember her. With older can at least talk about it, try to fix something on the mental level. And what to do with the baby? A grown-up with a toddler who is suffering, not knowing american standard faucets from what? And those who grow up with the notorious secret adoptions? At the receiving parenting we, that do not want forced themselves and their own emotions, to fill a bottomless barrel. Abyss. It may not be realized, but end forces and just end everything, and take virtually nowhere. In a literal sense, a dissolution in children. You would be glad to keep themselves, their boundaries and their inner world, but his scoop of your huge ladles, and you can not "do not feed" because parental instincts, where to go. And children all time low. From this - constant self-doubt as a parent. Persistent doubts, whether those holes in his inner world are you trying to patch, because all - you definitely will not be enough. That I am not to that which we're all heroes. Just the last few days every time I think about the strange girl Kate, which was all good, but ended noose around his neck. And, in general, I understand why and how you can reach the handle, even if invisible to the world and your efforts to get permanent condemnation and evaluation. Easy to say - "yes spit on public opinion and foreign faux pas", but as care if constantly poking around in your open wound? And in the wounds of your children ... logical question - why we are doing it, why take on yourself? And it is impossible to just stop. If you ever saw this miracle of transformation, american standard faucets when stunted sprouts grows from a huge rose bush, I want to see him again. And more. Not for the sake of some kind of high ideas - ideas and attempts to change the world is a social activity. And just because you begin to see beyond the "thousands of orphans" concrete, living children, which is not very lucky in life and which, anyway, you can get a normal life, and it is more important than any "ideas". Perhaps Katie was not so, and this is just my own projections, but ... Still, let's be kind and considerate to others. Let us learn from this story at least some lessons. Just trust that whatever american standard faucets mad money nor paid to adoptive american standard faucets parents - what they do, can not simply be

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