05.04.2007 Indian Ocean, 13 C. The Südpolartaufe course on South Africa "NEPTUNE has happened that a wild horde of uncleaned creatures to mischief aboard the high probably of him anguished ship Polarstern. This is south of the Arctic Circle an untenable habit. Therefore NEPTUNE personally, accompanied by his lovely wife Thetis, which put an end to. He is expected with his assistants on 05/04/2007 by 13 clock to the holding of cleaning and naming ceremony on board. Stay tuned and exerts trembling - not only in awe "Been a while employ us messages of this type and a variety of rumors spread on board. In the polar baptism is an old seafaring tradition and is performed continuously in the Arctic and Antarctica on the Polarstern. The entire crew takes part together with science in this exciting event and dressed up in lovingly designed costumes as Neptune's court. Now that all scientific projects are completed, it was last night then come and the first stop of the baptismal kholer ceremony was initiated. Neptune police took us to the helicopter deck on which we bear a stamp and chained together kholer in pairs were positioned in series. Shortly afterwards appeared Netpuns Rear Admiral Triton to carry forward with the help of Captain Stefan Black in Neptune's name a speech and gave the order for the wash. Immediately we received from several fire hoses of Neptune officials a merciless sea water shower. As Triton finally let go of us and thus Neptune's kholer first demands were met, we left freezing the helicopter deck and warmed ourselves on with a hot shower. The morning of the actual kholer Tauftages began today with a very special breakfast. Since the "dirty" baptisms sitting is not permitted on the chairs in the mess we had to willy-nilly take place on the floor and got delicacies such as fish and chili pepper crackers or pudding purposed. Neptune's personal arrival was expected by 13 clock. Two hours before made his police again use their official power and imprisoned kholer all baptized into the fish lab. After a long wait and many conjectures about the other events we were finally brought to the working deck. It was waiting for us, because Neptune himself gathered with his entire court, before we had to follow the admonition of the pastor in the knees. Then we went back to our "prison" kholer where now each person baptized has been successively called out the procedure. When my name came up and I was led away by two policemen on the deck, I saw with astonishment the Taufinstrumente. The baptism consisted of an obstacle course on which one was led from one station to the next. Between anointings kholer with food scraps, sediment mud showers and feedings with fish crackers to give the pastor a personal verse in which it was learned his baptismal name at the last station of this had to be repeated in the face of the king of the seas. Thank baptisms fared as me, because in the heat of the moment I heard this name and immediately had to start all over again. "In real life your name but Lars and Focke, known by your beautiful Locke, in league with labtop and camera, your photos are truly wonderful, the Internet you präsentiertest every day a blog, in these latitudes, kholer your name is now Eisgonoblog." Following baptism and after the working deck was cleaned again, the crew was preparing a barbecue, to complete this extraordinary day with the award of personal documents to Südpolartaufe. We notice that this is an old seafaring tradition at the baptism, because kholer the costumes and Taufinstrumenten kholer love was not to be overlooked to detail. Had both Baptist and the baptized despite the "unpleasant" procedures much fun and now look forward to the last sunny days on the Polarstern before we finally go on Tuesday in Cape Town harbor on board and our unforgettable adventure will be over. Rear Admiral Triton's command to wash the dishes baptized for the unbaptized "dirt Finches" The pastor prepares the candidates for baptism on the procedure before Lars Focke, a student of the University of Applied kholer Sciences Kiel, 05:04:07
4 comments The fish looks especially delicious: o Berry | Homepage | Email | 28.07.2007, 16:56 Thank you for the many reports and beautiful photos. So you could always be a little bit with it and see what you have experienced in these ten weeks everything. I can just imagine me now much better. I w & u
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