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Union - at the forefront of issues last week, the Ninth Plenum of the regional in f organization of agricultural workers. In this paper, the plenum was attended by Chief of rayselhozproda first deputy chairman of the executive committee Vladimir Kinsman, head of the ideology department of the district executive committee SD Vertinskaya. Acting Chairman of the District Committee in f of Trade Union of APK LG Varkun reviewed the work of the past two years. "During this time, our employees provided material support nearly twenty million rubles - said Lyudmila G.. - Just this year, in the framework of the "Collect school bag" allocated 6.7 million rubles. in f Measures were taken to improve in f production and strengthen the order labor and production in f discipline. " Repeatedly addressed the conservation benefits and guarantees provided by collective bargaining agreements. In particular, when there were problems with the payment of wages, workers of many farms is protected union. Union leaders - in the fields during planting and harvest, they congratulate the best workers, produce "lightning", meet with young workers and labor veterans. Yes, much has been done. But VV Kinsman drew attention to the fact that the majority of trade union leaders - agronomists, livestock specialists, accountants. And his master's eye should see the gaps in the work. Together with the head of the agricultural organizations and trade union leader should sound the alarm if the economy there is nothing in f to pay wages when farms are not created conditions of life and leisure, said Victor. Experience in the plenum shared in f union leader of "Lakeside World" T. Sil'chenko. Tatyana V. noted that all employees of the company - union members, for his advice in this year took 13 young professionals. They all provide housing sector. And in apartments previously made repairs, put the water heater. On those farms where put showers, the union believes buy kits for the soul. It is an initiative of "Lakeside world." On the trade union life "Shumilinsky rajagroservis, on a trip along the route Grodno Zhirovichi told the chairman of the trade union of the enterprise VA Klyueva. Years of experience shared union organization of "Lovozhskaya" in f LP Kupriyanov. The results of the plenum in f summed Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk oblast committee of the trade union of employees of AIC NN Ivanchenko, who said that the main task of the trade unions has been and remains the protection of human rights, the establishment of safe working conditions and labor laws. Particular attention is focused on Margarita M. organization of public health and safety inspectors, on the other tracks. So that the union should not rest on our laurels, are obliged to create for the working man decent conditions of work and leisure. Larissa Zaitseva. Printed in 84 from 23.10.2012, the
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Work at maximum capacity pupil August 27 was the traditional annual conference at which teachers Shumilino summed ...
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