Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mara enjoyed their breakfast in the renovated dining area ... only the old furniture steam box look

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The next day started much like the previous one. Mara earned more fruits and vegetables before they went to the consignment stock and Triton was now very experienced with the needs of his little gang. He was richly rewarded.
Between the underground hut and cinema and saw a strange tree whose leaves were reminiscent of bills ... unfortunately they were not real, but only to look beautiful. Behind she saw something red between the trees shine through ... maybe a different variety flowers? No, it was a real gypsy caravan, which was well hidden between cinema and toilet hut. Funny ...! Mara had to ask the Sheriff if he already knew about it! But not for them today and Triton had big plans. steam box
Mara even used the subway to still make it in time to the commission stock and could see a lot was going on at the Festival Place. She would like to go today but it did not go. She had more important plans.
The plan was to look at the café on the Plaza Principal because Triton Mara told that it would please her. Mara the color combination should look there before steam box deciding how the houseboat should be renovated.
At the same time they observed the café and were of the opinion that their colors well pledged ... Simeon might not be thrilled ... but they should open a daycare, why not use really nice fun and funky colors?
Triton divided his days between the renovation of the houseboat and the basic education of children. Meanwhile, he and Mara had already chosen a very colorful pattern as the main motive for their daycare.
Mara enjoyed their breakfast in the renovated dining area ... only the old furniture steam box looked even shabbier than before, they were desperate for something steam box new. Only then they want the day care center open. For Mara collected every day fruits, vegetables, seeds, mushrooms, wild flowers or shells or bottles ... should Triton long as gather more experience with the kids.
And so it was. All furniture from the ground floor have been replaced with beautiful colorful new, as well as the floor and ceiling. For a new bedroom had not yet passed. steam box That would be the next purchase.
How beautiful you tell everything, love Guida - you think you would be really in how Mara plants collected or Triton plays with the kids - just beautiful. I like this very colorful and happy Plaza, it looks totally chic. Even the colorful Cafe lifts the mood but again ... I found it so funny when Mara and Triton tried out the karaoke and you mean, luckily no guest would visit! Does it sounded really so terrible ?? The houseboat looks after renovation fabulous - beautiful for a day care center! Do you know that me this color combination very much to my favorite decade, the 80s, recalls, love Guida ?? I think it's steam box absolutely great! Nice and slow fills even the harbor with a wide variety of houseboats, and I'm curious who are Mara and Triton make everything even. In your dream Lille Ville
You describe the story of Triton and Mara really nice. And you can at all the work they have to deal with the two to see how well they fit together. A really nice couple. Triton seems to have his doubts now also stored, the experience with his own children certainly shows him that he will do with the daycare center. So I'm definitely convinced And everything is so colorful, you do not know where to look first, there's so much to discover. You really steam box make you a lot of work with your neighborhood
Thanks Manu, Tanja, Birgid and Ceejay! Currently it gives me a lot of fun too ... yesterday I tried the land ready to tinker around them to send ... often I realize while playing the this or that to me but not like so much and then I have to return to Tinker folder go to something to improve. I'm glad that I have not sent there what. You know what I find very beautiful? Previously, it was not that hard with the extended family because strangely Triton and Mara are great parents. You immediately take care of the children, even before I have to say what is never happened to me. And the two are correct Turtteltäubchen, steam box continue on smooch. When Triton is very simple points to samm

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