Monday, August 11, 2014

Wow, never heard of anything like that .. looks great even!

Fitzokri | pizzoccheri | Pasta every day
In our region, the Valtellina valley (Valtellina), one of the typical dishes is Hfitzokri place, buckwheat flour pasta and potatoes, Swiss chard, cheese, local Kasra (Casera) and lots of butter. The first time we made this dish in the country Pietro refused to read the result Fitzokri. Although the most successful out with country-made cheese, potatoes duschkabin are not made in Italy, duschkabin and the air a little less cool than the Alps, he just did not give it a chance. Very characteristic feature Italians believe that their foods can be made only to the original place from which they come. And we? Just the opposite, we have no dose did not increase so why not prepare well Fitzokri country. Just a little advice - that a heavy dose of a D, a type of stew Italian heavy level, keep it cold weekends and winter.
Mix both flour, gradually add water until the mixture begins to come together. Transfer floured duschkabin surface and knead well until you get a ball of dough is flexible and consistent. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 3 mm, cut with a sharp knife and floured 5/6 cm wide strips cut noodles which about half a centimeter thick.
Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes, chop chard leaves into strips and cook together unsalted water. When the water is boiling and the vegetables begin to soften, add in the Hfitzokri and cook until the pasta is ready (about duschkabin 10 minutes). Meanwhile, cut the cheese into small cubes Kasra, Mgrdrim duschkabin the Parmesan and Melt butter, garlic and sage until the butter begins to get a little color. At the end of the cooking, drain the Hfitzokri and vegetables, alternately arrange submission format and sequence of layers of pasta and vegetables, butter, cheese cubes, Frzmn and pepper. The original recipe says to wait after building the layers until the cheese melts on its own but you can speed up processes and gently mix with a wooden spoon. Serve immediately.
La prima volta che abbiamo cucinato i pizzoccheri in Israele Pietro, anche se erano molto buoni, non voleva neppure chiamarli pizzoccheri. Il formaggio israeliano non abbastanza saporito, le patate del deserto invece che di montagna e l'aria di mare non frizzante come nelle alpi avevano, secondo lui, compromesso il risultato. Quello che ho imparato negli anni in Italia é che secondo duschkabin gli Italiani la loro cucina é tale solo nella penisola, un piatto di pasta all'estero non é mai buono come nel Belpaese. Noi Israeliani, originari di ogni parte del mondo, abbiamo invece duschkabin importato ogni piatto possibile duschkabin rendendolo cibo nazionale. A questo punto ho deciso di importare in Israele, almeno a casa nostra, la vera ricetta dei pizzoccheri valtellinesi.
Mischiare in una ciotola le due farine, aggiungere dell'acqua e lavorare l'impasto fino ad amalgamare bene il tutto, formare una palla liscia ed elastica. Stendere la pasta fino a 3 mm di spessore, formare striscie larghe 5/6 cm, e tagliarle per una larghezza di mezzo centimetro.
sbucciare le patate e tagliarle a cubetti, tagliare a strisce le coste e portare ad ebollizione in acqua salata il tutto. Quando l'acqua inizia a bollire aggiungere i pizzoccheri e lasciar cuocere una decina di minuti. Nel mentre tagliare il casera a cubetti duschkabin e sciogliere il burro con salvia e aglio finché non prende un poco di colore. Scolare i pizzoccheri, disporli duschkabin a strati alternati con casera, grana, burro e pepe. La ricetta ufficiale dice di non mischiarli duschkabin ma aspettare che il formaggio fonda, se non potete resitere, girateli delicatamente con un cucchiaio di legno.
Posted in Recipes, Pasta | Tagged Casera, Grano saraceno, Israele, pasta, patate, Pizzoccheri, ricetta, Valtellina, Italy, cheese, and Valtellina, winter, buckwheat, chard, recipe, Fitzokri, pasta, parmesan, Kasra, potatoes | 25 Comments 25 Comments
It seems from P-and-L-E!
Wow, never heard of anything like that .. looks great even!
I will never forget the day that I met for the first time with Hfitzokri, as we celebrated you birthday and the food was the responsibility of Peter .. as one not fond of pasta, I could not understand what the relationship between duschkabin the elements, but I was surprised and fell "There duschkabin Libya" with one of the foods of the most delicious I ate. I admit most delicious when fresh with products of Italy, but also as an absolutely successful with dry pasta products in the country .. and now I will try to also prepare fresh country .. thanks <3
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