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British scientists say they have the first convincing evidence of Neanderthals ornamentation. These prehistoric people used only primitive jewelry, but apparently my body decorated and pigments. Their remains at 50,000 bravo tub years old Neanderthal found relics experts from Bristol. bravo tub
Neanderthal site unearthed by British archaeologists in southern Spain. They found shells that have not only served as jewelry, but the others were remnants of pigments, so presumably their prehistoric Neanderthals used as a repository for body makeup. This would mean that the Neanderthals were capable of abstract symbolic thinking.
"This bravo tub is the first evidence of safe use of color cosmetics Neanderthals. The use of these complex recipes is new. It's more than body painting," said Professor Joao Zilhao from Bristol University.
His team discovered the shell is yellow clayey material used as a basis. Furthermore, were found mixed with red powder and black diamond-polished minerals. Some shiny shells appear to have been worn as jewelry. So far, while thought to be as follows embellish to modern humans and Neanderthal society such manifestations known.
National Natural Monument
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