In the previous chapter, we have found very reason why God love praise and worship ,; and not just love, but also desire spirella praise and worship. In the future, we will see even how he commanded spirella that all men praise. So now turned into a command! Praise the Lord is kept! We will consider that baad a few moments. But in the last chapter, we already know why God wants fame and why he wants fame and amplification. We have found that, God wants all hvyo because he lives in tukuzo reputation and its people. And we see how God is very very serious about getting the praise and glory.
Ie in this, he is very serious, and will not typically and do not want to play, about worship. Go kamuulize one woman tuk Michal, the wife of King David, will explain the severity of God in praise and worship. spirella Then they will understand what it means to God not wanting to joke about these issues to praise and worship. For the Bible tells us that King David was praising God and dancing before spirella God for good music in front of people, David played a lot until his clothes fell, he left breast exposed. Filmed, King remained open chest in front of an audience, because to play songs of praise to God.
So the Bible says, the wife of David was upstairs, watching the ritual. And his heart was very annoyed to see her husband she would be playing and pulling down his royal robes, but remain close to the 'naked' in front of people. That this news extremely upset Michal daughter of Saul, who was the wife of King David. And the Bible says that this woman was very despised and widely mocked her husband for what the act of playing for God, to the pulling down her clothes. Then King David had finished worship, spirella climbed upstairs to bathe her, then he met his wife, who came face to catch her lips aside with contempt, as he struck her husband's eye, from top to bottom, with the greatest contempt.
The Bible says, the woman began her husband kumporomoshea words of scorn and shame, supposedly because he showed his chest and his thighs in front of people, especially girls who were there in the field or in the courtyard of the temple. The Bible says, the woman had dared to call her husband 'huge baladhuli' that is foolish, idiot or savage. Duh! Actually this woman, she annoyed. But the Bible says that, King David, was strained. But he told his wife that he will continue to praise God even if people do not understand.
Now, I have to tell this story very realistic, just to show you how, God does not want jokes nor condone nor game in its characteristics. Ie you will see how God does not want to negligence nor any kind of game, it comes in matters of praise and glorify him. I ask you to read yourself spirella this information, so that you have your personal image as God will kavyokusaidia understand. But in this story, God was very bright. Because prior to their talks not over, God had come down with anger. For ibasema Bible that God had kept her The woman, from the day he brought his contempt for David who has been chosen instrument of the Lord in praise and worship.
The Bible says, Michal died without having a child, because of trying kumkatisha trifle David. I am trying to photograph a man, how He scolded the woman. Though the Bible does not say, but I think only human, how God vyoteremka for quite fierce anger, wishing she kumzaba tablet, because of his words and insults canceling his desires against God's instrument, namely David. spirella That is like, all fans zimezimika, then there is only one fan imabaki is working, then comes a man a fool, who does not know the importance of the fan, and start kuichokonoa wishing to itself supposedly izimike as others.
Let's take pictures spirella as the father landlord, who lives in the air resulting from the fans, how he stood from the couch he had relaxed, and go to this stupid angry, spirella wanting kumzaba applause, for his fans how he yochezea sublime. Though the Bible does not say, but I'm just trying to take a picture of a man, how God vyomteremkia Michal angry, wanting kumzaba blows, because of his words and insults kedehi, for God's servant David; who at the same time, he was like the only fan of God, which was God gives saaaaafi during warm weather, the air is called, praise and worship.
I believe God has stopped or prevented his slap, just a few centimeters from the cheeks to Michal. I naamin that, God knows, I slap shoots woman, must die; and dies, it will have brought calamity and sorrow at home with my son, David. No! let me leave. That is why
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