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Slovak paleontological club, abbreviated Paleoklub - Expert Group Slovak Geological Society, operates at Comenius University from 22 February 2006. Our lecture - popularisation meetings with the exception of the summer holidays take place once a month. The specific date, time and agenda is published in advance on our club website. More about us ...
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During the Miocene marine environment were part of the Western Carpathians, Slovakia occupied in addition to routine and frequent species of molluscs and many rare or rarer taxa. From the eastern edge of the Vienna Basin area Devínskej Mares come unique finds interesting pektinidných molluscs of the genus Flexopecten. Introduction
Findings boxes fossil molluscs rkev f of the family Pectinidae almost always catch the eye thanks to its rounded fan-shaped seashell and are grateful object of paleontological research, but also popular among collectors of fossils findings. Pektinidy are important especially oysters from paleoecological perspective, many species are important fossils and biostratigraphy of view. Central Paratethys Neogene seas were at the close of the sedimentation area and changing links with other areas, as well as from the resulting migration of individual taxa shellfish for the lower and middle Miocene, inhabited by different types of representatives rkev f of the family Pectinidae. Many of them were tied to a specific grade or grades Miocene - occurred only in a certain period. These taxa have become leaders and stratigraphically important fossils, and also because of their occurrence can accurately determine the age of the studied sediments. The middle Miocene - particularly during the Badenian (16.30 to 12.70 million. R.), Inhabited our territory in the former marine environments several kinds pektinidov. Stratigraphy, paleoecology as well as important bivalve included rkev f representatives of the genus Flexopecten which were represented by species Flexopecten scissus (Favre) and Flexopecten Lilly (PUSCH).
Fig. 1 - Flexopecten scissus (Favre), right shell, left - outer side, right - inside. Top Baden, Devin - Green terraces Photo Radoslav Biskupič Occurrences family Flexopecten to Devinska Kobyla
Rich findings nicely preserved fossils of these boxes pektinidov come from fine-grained sediments of the upper Badenian studienčanského strata of the surrounding area of Devin. Southern slopes Devínskej Mares (514 m) and the adjacent hillsides reveals in several places grained sandstone facies, nodules, and sandy-loamy to clayey sediments of marine origin. During these Badenian sediments probably settle in deeper waters near Devínskej Kobyly in areas infralitorálu to cirkalitorálu rkev f relatively peaceful settling. The proximity of the mainland also indicate discoveries of fossil residues sailed terrestrial flora in the form of mangrove leaves, cones of conifers and scrap woods. The associations of molluscs, which inhabited this environment, was among pektinidmi Flexopecten dominant genus. Type Flexopecten scissus (Favre) reached within the family rkev f Pectinidae highest abundance. Flexopecten Lilly (PUSCH) was less frequent and not occur as often as his relative taxon. The findings of other representatives of scallops in the layers rather rare. Compared with communities strednomiocénnych pektinidov from other sites Devínskej Mares coming from layers psefitických and psammitic sediments (sands, sandstones, breccias) taking rkev f up residence in the vicinity paleopobrežia in Shallow water areas mediolitorálu and infralitorálu, these communities consist of entirely different and distinct species. While in shallow coastal waters with sandy to coarse gravel-sandy bottoms dominated by genera Oppenheimopecten, Flabellipecten, Talochlamys, Aequipecten together with occasional occurrences of the genus Gigantopecten in deeper environments sublitorálu soft gentle bottom prevailed Flexopecten genus, which was accompanied by sporadic rkev f pektinidmi genera Similipecten and Costellamussiopecten. The different nature of taxonomic composition pektinidov be careful
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