K- town grew stabilized greatly especially ka grew is from the Other side of the town, stay you want kurejuvinate mind, getting the Inner calm yak u-enjoy nature, then Maybe this could your perfect escape, is as just Sometimes there were Frequent gun exchange of makarao and Madingo, these streets exchange grew fun for children of primo, I nce college zikifungungwa were grown and different version of "Godi a new" they grow up they make gun and wire, and rubber bands, and the whole day grew a cat and mouse with alleys of k-town, toilet naughty Sometimes boys would shoot buttocks of Mamatha, games grew Mob jaw, vise, cattie, Toi machokosh toilet is just they grow already know Hustle Before, they spend the whole day Waki Collect peppers carton, plastic, glass, and ma-srcap toilet metal..sometimes Toi's estate would stop the game to their guns and wire, and Ku scream in unison "" hangers barrels hangers Barrels "and immediately just-wars we grow we begin, toilet they shoot.but ma chokosh they grew wan give up on always were grown-sky super dupa high and a bottle of glue , lower lip grew not suspend and hold this, that the race does not necessarily have cases. Street of kuinfia k-town grew in strength, artificial flowers and miscellaneous colors, arranged toilet all overna design of abstractna ma officious, they see they would have advice citizen shed soil for these roadii Local to cover the pavement, solar as hot asphalt grew Burns bear feet they ride ma-Tyres, this Issue grew brings ma-Roo on: reason being Enigma Mtoi ku-burn on the pitch he was returning home to the statement abide these grew modest "" aaahhh woishe Mother should I use shoes to school today alone? "I moved very '' NGRRRRi krriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing ilimalaizia bell and bell Ignore bear about two-and kundelea left over rice ball of ma-paper, grew a break time of the afternoon, toilet is 4 pm,middle classes grew zishagoo home, and the boy had grown affair, moodee ie teacher toilet came from no Here! "Hey boys it is time to go home, play time is over go home.teacher alli-annouce loudly Tonii has Grab speedie ball speed and without kerespond is from kick to kick accompanied by ma-boys toilet others. Teacher and he head back to classes, k town primary school, founded cool, concrete walls and roofing of gray asbestos college grew stronger. After several minutes Odhis rice Enigma slow down local penetration, they grow are very tent on heavy bag on books. Toni: Manze jo mo-dee toilet has katisia bad game Beste: Toni Manze I call mobo !! Ha ha ha Toni: by whom? Who? Chapter MOBO ka !! Ha ha Beste: has started mchongoano? Beste 2: kaende kaende I am the referee, a third boy contributed Soon stood up and form a circle and began mchongoano.
Sky grew radiant, rays the solar grew zinaptia this golden rusty color of power, see the baking, they grow up they returned Bizness round TWO! Fishmongers, mutura, soup, yam Chom round first, chalk wxpect booming business, see them from the job, wna Toi they returned home from college, the family of ice cream he was busy whole day, see the selling cane had passed, and the father Toni aka cried, "We tie a person to talk to 20 bob" and ugawanyishe twice, father tone ali show See the cane. Father tone .: friends have grown complicate things, (he says with aki Clear throat) Neighborhood: Not just you, it's everywhere, it is usually the life Father tone: even I do not believe this is my motto tone <Neighbor: he do it again? Toni father: he has very bidiiii school, good behavior I must beg Lord has come to university friend!
Trader's sale has ended carved cane sugar and has a pass for Father tone and his friend, BUT they all happen to Surprise, "Even me and want to cane father, Toni claims while carrying a bag with paper bag in hand. Father tone: these mchongee 10 Bob tells See cane, grows his tone turned his motto "you from? Do not tell me again okaota also gathered that metal? He aha? Toni: baobab you know we Sota, these might mee I will sell food, and you will have to pay fees Father Toni (defeated) then enter in your colleagues in neighboring Aha ha ha laughs a little "kids these days! Father Toni: Seeing the weekend always won gathering it locks up no school Neighbor: will be a person of heshim a community, you do not like them! You see,: neighbor has-point relative both passed STREET they stagger, "are educated and then after that all diligence and This is the result of money "! Father Toni: see even this does is urinating in public! Second Drunkard also has move to the wall and also kunyoraa, without giving toilet a damn.
Nikoo on green Crow Street Light ime spoil, malibou toilet stock located on two obedience bestowed by this Street, and also no one has to hop here and there, toilet has limp.ni non Approved Refuse pit next to the stage, ma bachelor and see wakurauka ngware is the course of excistance yah II site, begins toilet one paper bag, the next day two, and soon, everyone has to follow early wakurauka job with it and soon Enigma dirt, debris pile up.pia a day will kun is a shame to throw in public. Toni is scavange for Scrap Metals and ma-plastic, in this Dump pit, he broke left and achecki original approach STREET aki Boy Street Boy 1, we tell you this is not your job to see chuooo, WEEE ruudii shu
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