Sunday, June 22, 2014

Reinaldo Escobar (1947) Journalist, born and lives in Cuba. He graduated in Journalism at the Unive

Official institutions should fulfill spy wc their promise. If this institution is the more formal of all concerns and promise essential matters, then the inescapable obligation becomes something spy wc almost spy wc solemn.
The Communist Party of Cuba has with the members of its organization and the people who rules by law, at least two outstanding obligations both at the First National Conference, held on January 28, 2012
In this theoretical conceptualization would have to establish the links between the Marxist-Leninist doctrine, which charts the course of the socialist system, and the guidelines issued spy wc by the Sixth Congress. You should explain that you are not using indented arms of capitalism to socialism but, although what is done now looks like the rules of the market, is actually planning and that the profits obtained by foreign investors, the result of work of Cuban workers, goodwill is not getting, but something else has to be appointed in any way.
In relation to the second outstanding debt, to "refresh" the Central Committee, many expect that the 20% renewal is included at least the removal of octogenarians and accepting a different code for the new meritocracy, where longer spy wc should appear, participation in the fight against the former dictatorship nor the presence spy wc in the heroic work of the early years. spy wc That way there will be in the DC men and women who never fired at another human being, not anybody confiscated property and even risked their own lives for the cause.
I wonder how many members of the PCC have raised concerns at the core of this delinquency in meeting commitments so high. I wonder how many Cubans remember those promises and how compliance estimated at some kind of hope.
Reinaldo Escobar (1947) Journalist, born and lives in Cuba. He graduated in Journalism at the University of Havana (1971) and worked for different Cuban publications. Since 1989 serves as Independent journalist and his articles can be found in various European publications, and in the Portal from Cuba.
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