Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lyrics cepra Lshankaragata from: Weekend cepra Poetry tax. 25th when I return from: colon 9, Januar

Lyrics cepra Lshankaragata from: Weekend cepra Poetry tax. 25th when I return from: colon 9, January 27, 2013 I write Hebrew broken \ Diti Ronen distant locations while \ Diti Ronen distant locations while - poetry reading poetry on International and postmodernity this intolerable \ Diti Ronen summer This was pleased premises \ Diti Ronen my return \ Diti Ronen First Person \ Diti Ronen Decadence \ Diti Ronen Unnamed \ Diti Ronen the shakes your birds \ Diti Ronen, Diti Ronen Image Poetry Diti Ronen weekend a colon
In the morning we pushed the Vespa Ben and I and his giant backpack travelers with backpack and his side pod hanging between cepra us and drove it to the exit from the university as a half out of my ass and I jumped off the seat and flew into the air every teacher. The wind was cold and burned flesh. We arrived frozen Gate University, we parked the Vespa, dismantled equipment from ourselves and that's it. Ben got on the first bus Lsimogh - and drove off. Bsimogh take bus Lhunabr, a coastal city on the shores of the Arabian Sea, a five-hour drive, cepra from Lgokrna, the current destination, a distance of a few hours. I will miss him very much and will always remember this visit to his thrilling experience.
I have nothing else to do here right now. Christmas break came, the students become cepra fewer and fewer and I do my work well elsewhere. Tomorrow cepra morning I go to Mysore. I get out early to catch the morning train arrives at dusk. This is a train that has no cars saved and is very busy, but the hours reasonable in relation to its other trains. I hope to find myself a seat and recalls an earlier ride this train in the opposite direction, Mysore. So I went with Prof. Chander for his son will keep us seats, first-served basis. It is a long drive, crosses rice fields and many reservoirs and wonder how the landscape will look just the way the repeated, and the impact of the dry monsoon of water balance and crops along the way.
I intend to stay in Mysore ten days, until my journey to Bangalore. I live in the guest house of the University of Mysore, the same place where I used to live two years ago for three months, and hope to go places I loved, to meet local companies to arrange a few things cepra bothering if will work out well will attend a conference on folklore performing arts of South India to be held during 19-21 university.
We had two wonderful, white and me. I see this visit of the year giving exceptional feel lucky I got it. I stayed with a taste of love in the body, mind, and spirit. I will miss very much these days and remember them always cepra one of those rare opportunities that life throws at us intimacy cepra and candor.
It began excitedly before arrival, and continued with the arrival. By calculation I made, it was supposed to be here around five. I knew the time to five crawl and I busied myself writing. Writing cepra dimension of time getting attendance and new meaning. Writing the long goodbye everyday existence, putting foreign reality consciousness writing get away and go over the mountains of thought, while the writing itself is taking over the consciousness of the time. Alternative time in Movalt created a kind balloon rises above the reality, and we are in it, while our own holidays. Survival rate varies. Real life occur in a bubble, in an enclave that does not keep a reality whose time is allotted according to the clock movement.
As long dream, even while writing cepra takes place in another dimension, the wheels of the clock move at different rates - sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Sometimes it stands still, or flies slowly, very slowly, and sometimes it is experienced as compressed and highly upheavals and events - but always it occurs to him that his own bubble, at its own pace. Informal terms of time, my writing time passing at high speed. I sit down to write at a certain time and the next time I look up I'm surprised how late, wondering how much time I wrote. cepra Back to the time of writing always reveals a surprisingly long time had passed than I felt or thought. Better therefore to all who waited for an important occasion, and there is nothing he could do to advance the time, to turn himself to writing.
The urge to leave everything in the middle of writing, and down to welcome the year, I had a strange, unknown why, but heed it. I promised to watch - It was a little after five. I took with me to my current reading (Nathan Shaham, Rosendorff Quartet), wrapped inside a cell phone and went downstairs. Left the building, I turned to the road carrier, comes from the road. As I turn into the driveway, I thought I saw the son comes and climbs toward me from the road. At that moment we heard a motorcycle from rebel motorcycle riding came to me by one of the guards of the gate of the University, behind Ben and above the giant backpack travelers. Motorcycle stopped next to me naturally, like so arranged as if it should have been a son and backpack got out my arms straight.
Ben's smile is open and is very tan, sturdy and looks good. Best man at the gate university offered to take him when he saw the big backpack. Fortunate that a walk of half an hour up seriously. All the guest house staff went out excitedly greet him - and we went inside and we have room on the second floor. For several long minutes Ben stood and marveled at the room. Indeed, my room looks groomed and elegant compared to rooms which sleep for a hundred Rofis night (ten shekels) in mice, squirrels, lizards, cockroaches and beetles.
First things first: cepra shower. The second thing: food. All waiting patiently, waiting white. Ben savoring every word. The hot water, the flow, the delicious food, the place and the feeling of home. Third: a bed. But before he was thrown on the bed clean, we invite the MP, comes with a Vespa village and light a candle together Thursday. Ben brought with him a bag with some candles, funny, colorful \ plump \ greasy and repulsive strong smell of wax wafts of them - at Chabad Chanukah candles and ran out at the Jewish heart - and two lighters. We put five red candles in a semicircle on one of the stainless steel tray they eat Here the meals, place them perpendicular yellow candle menorah and colorful and beautiful. moment and will also echo

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