Friday, August 22, 2014

And how much of the winter? Shower or for walruses in f in the number 12 for the Feb. 12 regional n

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And how much of the winter? Shower or for walruses in f in the number 12 for the Feb. 12 regional newspaper published an article entitled "Order and home comfort" - a recreation room of "Lakeside world." This material in f has received an unexpected response on the site of the regional newspaper. Perhaps many "hit home" and wanted to write a comment. Moreover, it was not about "Lakeside world." Visitors to the site offered reporter on the local newspaper to wash in showers on other farms area. And for that Vlad Mishnevich with, for example, promised to write 20 regional newspapers, and Gosh with "Shumilinsky in f rajagroservis" - as much as 30 Well, we decided to accept the invitation and with the chief specialist of the ideological work of the executive committee in f T. Shcherbakova, Deputy Director rayvetstantsiey AA Zhigunova newspaper correspondent went to the dairy farms UP "Shumilinskiy rajagroservis." And at the same time and stopped at the farm of "Lyazhni." On the farm Baёvka a shower. But the room is cold. And going to take a shower (though promised people write rayonok 30), in a room where there is ten degrees, then immediately weakened. And local breeders honestly admitted that they do not wash in the shower - afraid to get sick. However, in the common in f room on the farm Baёvka cozy, framed necessary documentation. On a farm in Svetlaselskim local welders made stove. But, according to breeders, it has never smoked. Yes, and those wishing to take a shower not to be. Not please the warmth and relaxation room: oven emergency here. Head farm N. Bykov does not allow the stove to burn Afraid that the farm will burn. On the other dairy farms "Shumilinsky rajagroservis" - Dobrin, Leskovichi, in f Zaluzha Zalesye, Paratovka Sloboda - us and no one offered to take a shower. For the simple reason that there are no showers. So we had to restrict inspection recreation rooms. On the farm Leskovichi stove smokes. Siding, which is sheathed walls, all sooty. Decent dayroom made on the farm Paratovka. During our visit here was warm. On the bedside table - tea set on the windows - beautiful curtains. in f And here on the farm Dobrin dayroom used as composition. The situation is similar on the farm Zalesye walls gray, dirty. In the corner parts, next - whether any bags of flour or something. And only a table, on which lay a notebook to record cattle, yet a reminder that people here peeps. Lounge on the farm Sloboda was full of stinking smoke. We are even afraid not fire? "Do not be afraid, I burn the stove, so she constantly smokes" - came from the voice. Out of the smoke came a man, said he was working here day watchman. Sooty walls, yellowed documents that on the wall, and in general all this stench left a bad impression. On the farm Zaluzha also has a recreation room. The walls are wallpapered pakleeny. Milkmaid said that two years ago for his own money bought wallpaper, pakleili themselves, painted ceiling. But faulty heater in the room, her smoking rooms, in room cold and damp. The lounge on the farm Lyazhni-1 relative order: whitewashed stove on the table is a phone, there is a fridge. Made and shower. But even in the clothes you feel that cold. Drew attention to the unpainted boards, which are covered with half-wall in the shower. They are short-lived, rot from moisture. The same shower and made on the farm Lyazhni-third In addition, there is also a recreation room is not heated. Probably bathe and relax on the farm will be in the summer. Larisa Kiseleva. Printed in 16 from 26.02.2013, the
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