Sunday, August 17, 2014

It has been estimated that the growth of a kilogram of rice requires about 3000 liters kohler toile

Hello everyone and welcome! This blog was born from my passion for the translation: you will find translations of literary passages or musical and articles published kohler toilets in various foreign magazines dealing with science, culture, traditions and curiosities. I'd like to get feedback on translations by those who dedicate themselves to the study of languages! At the end of each post you will find the URL of the original article.
The rice is eaten all over the world. Most countries have traditional dishes based on rice: sushi and rice as a basic food in East Asia, passing through the Indian dishes, Persian and Turkish rice-based, and ending with the Italian risotto, Spanish paella, the jambalaya American and Brazilian fasoada.
Rice is the staple food for half the world's population. Its cultivation requires a lot of water, so it is a primary culture in damp places often subject to flooding, typhoons and periods of abundance of water.
It has been estimated that the growth of a kilogram of rice requires about 3000 liters kohler toilets of water. In addition, the flooding of the field prevents the need for the use of pesticides and herbicides, so the rice is one of the only crops almost kohler toilets not subjected to pesticide kohler toilets treatments. (1)
A little 'history in China rice is already known 7000 years. From China, its cultivation has spread to the Philippines and Japan. Alexander the Great brought the rice in West Asia and in Greece in the third century BC From there, its cultivation has spread to Europe and Africa and finally in America, together with the slaves who worked the fields.
In Israel, there is evidence of attempts to grow rice during the Hellenistic period (towards the beginning of the Common Era), and in the region of Beth Shean in the tenth century. AD Until now treat a rice field requires physical effort and manual labor. kohler toilets (2)
1 separating the grains from round the elongated grains: grains in general generate round after firing a rice paste or longer sticky, so they are used for dishes such as risotto, paella and sushi. The elongated grains instead release less starch in the cooking water, thus generating a rice grain dried and separated.
2 white rice or refined: from which it was removed the bran, in contrast to the brown rice that keeps the skin of the seed and is therefore richer in fiber, vitamins and minerals. What you eat rice?
1 White rice simple: kohler toilets the cheapest and most common, from the seeds stretched. It is suitable for the preparation of rice as a side dish. Usual method of cooking: you measure a cup of rice, you fry with a little 'oil, and after you add the water, a glass and a half or 2 depending on how much you want it tender. In this step are also added salt and spices. (3)
When almost all the water has been absorbed and the grains are dry and separate, lower the flame, closed with a lid of the right size and leave for another five minutes. kohler toilets Then you turn off the fire, and leave the pot closed kohler toilets for a quarter of an hour, without kohler toilets ever opening it. (4) 2 Rice Persian: as the name suggests, is a variety of Iranian origin. White, elongated grains, and cooked in the traditional way usually in several stages: first blanch it quickly in plenty of water and downs, after you cook or bake with a little water for a long time.
3 Basmati rice is a type of rice that grows at the foot of the Himalayas. It is the only one of the grains so thin and elongated. After cooking, the beans release very little starch, kohler toilets therefore kohler toilets it maintains a certain rigidity even if cooked for a long time and have a particular flavor.
Since the basmati rice is a bit 'stiff, its dissolution and its digestion takes longer and generates a greater sense of satiety than other varieties kohler toilets of white rice. There is quality in white and wholemeal. It cooks like white rice simple.
5 Arborio Rice: a particular type of white rice grains kohler toilets small and hard, suitable for the preparation of risotto and paella. To cook it, the first thing you have to heat it with a little 'oil, and then gradually kohler toilets add a little' liquid kohler toilets (usually spicy broth or soup). When added to the liquid has been absorbed, it still adds a small amount, and so it goes until it reaches the desired consistency. The finished dish should be rather dry and pasty. (5)
6 Rice for sushi: white rice. Has small round grains and cooking becomes sticky, maintaining a certain rigidity. It adapts to different types of sushi. To cook it you have to rinse it, add cold water in an amount double the rice and bring to a boil (without oil or any kind of spice).
You let the rice absorb the water over low heat. When the mixture is almost dry, Turn Off

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